The Difference Between Sustainable And Ethical Fashion Practices

Sustainability vs Ethical Values


We're just going to tell it like it is. Fast fashion should be canceled forever! To all you supporters of fast fashion out there, you probably don't know this or have probably heard it a few times, and didn't care to think much of it. Still, these clothing companies that you're putting your money towards are taking that money to consistently utilize non-sustainable and non-ethical abusive fashion business models in their production processes.

We're talking about the use of synthetic fabrics that release toxic chemicals into the air and contribute towards climate change. We're talking a huge and ridiculous amount of stock that is then thrown in landfills, where a good portion of products are non-biodegradable, contributing to landfill waste. In addition, all these not so eco-conscious products are produced by laborers who work in unhealthy and unfair conditions, such as paychecks that don't logically align with the draining production hours and stress that they're forced into.

Fashion is one of the biggest environmental and social problems that are our planet faces today, and fast fashion is the catalyst that perpetuates these problems, but the good news is that there are alternative fashion brands out there that are more considerate of sustainability and ethical practices. So, to give you consumers a better understanding of the subject, let's delve a little deeper into the difference between sustainable and ethical fashion:

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion falls into clothing brands that create products made using 100% natural materials, such as cotton, linen, or wool. They also decrease waste by salvaging throw-away stocks of clothing and deadstock fabrics to give them new life using upcycling methods. In the long run, these sustainable practices will reduce waste and won't damage the sanctity of the environment.

Ethical Fashion

Ethical fashion is a whole other factor that pertains more to social responsibility. Here's what we want you to consider. Say, you went to a fast fashion store, found a cool bomber jacket you just had to have, and bought it. Now, let's say that the person who made that jacket took a really long time to sew it and had to sew a bunch more, which caused them to be physically and mentally distressed. Do you think it's fair that they were forced to make all these clothes and then get a paycheck that doesn't reflect the amount of time and energy they put in? We don't, and we're pretty sure you don't either!

Ethical fashion is the opposite of that scenario, where sustainable and ethical brands actually pay these workers their worth, while asking for a reasonable amount of their time and energy. They don't treat them like machines. They treat them like actual human beings!

The point is, sustainable and ethical fashion brands are what all consumers should be supporting, and fast fashion should be boycotted indefinitely. Now, because sustainable fashion brands produce in low stock, they have no choice but to put prices on their products that might scare you off, but in comparison to cheap fast fashion products, you would actually be paying for better clothing quality and durability for years to come. However, if your budget still makes it difficult to make that purchase, thrift shops are also an option, where you can find a variety of vintage clothes at much lower prices and help decrease waste. 

If you're ready to start being a more conscious consumer, then here's a list of sustainable and ethical fashion brands we highly recommend for you:


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