How Age Impacts Our Fashion Choices – A Look at Ageism Within the Industry
How does age, specifically old age, restrict our fashion choices?
Do you ever wonder how age impacts the fashion and style choices we make? The majority of us tend to make fashion-related decisions subconsciously. We see something we like in a cute store or online, we purchase it, and then we wear it. Simple as that. Or is it...?
Despite the fact that the majority of us tend to make our fashion-related choices easily and quickly, there are those of us who may not feel like they have that luxury. Because with age comes restrictions – or at least, that’s how it can feel.
The problem with societal norms
Societal norms have been embedded into our minds since birth. Some of these we might agree with/accept, some maybe not. One of the least discussed ones is arguably how age can restrict your clothing choices. The older you get, the more likely you might feel the impacts of these seemingly invisible yet very much present limitations.
When you start getting into your 30s and onwards, it can feel as though the fashion industry is a scarier and less inclusive place compared to when you were, say, in your 20s. You might start to wonder what is and isn’t considered acceptable, what you can and can’t ‘get away with,’ but also whether you actually really care. Fashion, in our views, should always be a place where you can where whatever the fuck you want. However, not everyone feels this way, and it’s completely fair if you feel the pressure from those who don’t. So many brands and designers just don’t seem to advocate for the breaking of these societal norms that can really negatively impact people who may wish to break them.
Ads and Campaigns still aren't as inclusive
Look at the majority of ad campaigns out there. You would see they quite clearly separate different generations of models. Now, we can see why this is the case with children and infants, but there are some other age ranges that just don’t add up.
Teenage girls will be shown promoting crop tops, shorts, bodycon dresses, and baby tees. A 60-year-old woman however, will be shown in basically the opposite. Everything feels purposefully more modest and smarter – as though older women shouldn’t even consider the thought of showing their own skin and feeling empowered as they get older. It feels like one big shame game. And the double standards are clear AF. So many young adults can get away with wearing things that are typically worn by their elders. Think shirts and blouses, jeans, turtleneck sweaters, cigarette trousers, and knitwear. No one seems to bat an eye, but if it were the other way around, you can bet your bottom dollar that it would cause chaos.
Wear what makes you most comfortable
Of course, not every older person will care or want to wear the things that society seems to be preventing them from wearing – and that’s totally fine! But for those who do, please take this as your sign that you should go for it regardless of what people might think. Fashion should be a safe space for everyone no matter their age.