Sunflower Thieves: Not Every Song Is A Love Song
Why would you sing about boyfriends if you can honor your friendship?
Sounding like a combination of The Staves, London Grammar and a pinch of reflexive sound from Fleetwood Mac, Sunflower Thieves, a Leeds-based folk duo will bring you everything you need for long, winter evening (despite their summer name). They have just shared their newest single, ‘Sirens.’
The track celebrates intimacy, closeness and connection to other people but, surprisingly enough, it shifts the usual, clichéd focus on romantic relationships to friendship. ‘Sirens’ gives it the truly deserve credit, hardly ever recognized by pop music.
Refreshingly, Sunflowers Thieves, opening up about ‘Sirens,’ notice the importance of this particular relationship. ‘This song is about friendship, inspired by particular people. When things feel overwhelming, tuning friendship with someone who needs you can keep you grounded and keep you both moving forwards.’
Listen to dreamy and perfectly harmonized ‘Sirens’ by Sunflowers Thieves if you feel like celebrating your friends on a dark, winter evening.
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