The Ugly Shoe Trend: The Quirkier, The Better!
A celebration of fun, comfort and originality in fashion's most audacious trend
In the world of fashion, hot and sexy heels or classy, polished loafers are being replaced by a new rising phenomenon: The ugly shoe.
Leading the trend is an unlikely line-up featuring brands such as Loewe, Balenciaga and Crocs, who are embracing a daring, unconventional look with their footwear. So why are we obsessed with these strange-looking shoes, and why do they look so cool?
We should start with the obvious: Why are these shoes even considered “ugly”?
Loewe's balloon heels and bulky sandals appear as if they could belong in a cartoon. Balenciaga's super-sized sneakers look closer to a pair of moon boots than a normal everyday shoe. As for Crocs, which have forever embodied the “ugly” shoe concept, now belong in the world of fashion.
These shoes are big, loud, and pretty much the opposite of conventional beauty. But why do we love them?
In the first place, well, they're just fun to look at. Ugly shoes make a bold statement and show personality. These shoes are for those who want to stand out and aren't afraid to tell the world, “I will wear what I want.”
In a contemporary world where we are constantly pressured to look perfect, a pair of “ugly” shoes allows us a break. Reminding us that fashion can be funny and super quirky.
One of the most important things is that they are actually often times comfortable. By having those large and cushioned soles, with spacious designs that allow us to walk for miles without pinching. In a time where comfort is becoming increasingly important, they are pretty much spot on.
Essentially, though, these ugly shoes are also refreshingly realistic. Calling on us to rethink our ideas of what fashionable really is. Defending the right to be unconventional. It's a relief to have big brands calling for individuality and creativity. To be fair, the ugly shoe trend is pretty much revolutionizing the industry.
They're hilarious, comfy and uplifting. Therefore, let's give props to those strutting around in their giant sneakers or balloon heels. Not only are they embracing a fun trend, they're celebrating their individuality in the most fabulous way.