Set Intentions Rather Than Resolutions For 2021

New Year resolutions are so last year.


One thing we can all agree on? 2020 hasn’t worked out how any of us could have predicted, or hoped. As we get ready for a new year, we are filled with a sense of hope that this year will be better. Whilst we cannot control what goes on around us, we can set intentions for who we are and who we want to be. 

We often make the mistake of bombarding ourselves with tons of resolutions and habits we want to master. But perhaps that’s where we’re going wrong. Instead, we should focus on one intention that we can give our all to. 

Intentions are journey oriented rather than result orientated, they focus on altering your mindset for long-term achievements. Intentions focus on what we can control rather than what we can’t and they focus on internal motivation rather than external (who we want to be rather than who others want us to be). 

To set intentions, we must reflect on our year and what we’ve learnt and accomplished:

- What am I most proud of this year?
- Who have I felt my best around?
- If the pandemic made you hit pause for a little while
- how did slowing down make you feel?
- How have you grown this year?
- How did you navigate this crazy year? 
- What would you like to experience in the new year? 

Answering these questions will give you some clarity on what you want 2021 to look like. 

Next, start to come up with your intentions. Think about where you would like to be this time next year and what baby steps you can take to help you achieve it. Think of an intention as a map - it is your guide to help you reach your destination. If you have one long-term intention in mind, then your habits can change and adapt as you go along to align with your end goal.

Would you like to get into meditation? Then download an app or set reminders on your phone and focus on the positives that meditation will bring to your life. Would you like to finally write that book you’ve been meaning to for years? Set out a schedule and think of writing your book as a fun activity rather than a chore.

Don’t forget to write them down so that you can keep returning to them when you need to be reminded. 

The important thing is making changes that align with the person you want to be. James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits, suggests that you should begin by deciding who you want to be and then prove it to yourself with small wins. 

In short - dig deep! What do you really want? What will bring you happiness? Then create a mantra that encapsulates that intention, so you can stick it down, write it down and carry it with you. Align a plan with your intention and celebrate the small wins by practicing gratitude and kindness.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself. If you ‘mess up’ your intention on day one, don’t beat yourself up and give up. This experience is a journey so be patient with yourself. 

Up next, How To Celebrate New Years At Home
