Heavy Metal: The Tampax Scandal

A slip in regulations or a system built with only the most privileged in mind.


A study has found dangerous levels of lead in 14 tampon brands, including leading brand Tampax. The study also found traces of over a dozen other heavy metals that could cause harm to the user. These included arsenic, mercury, and iron. This story can be scary to the millions of people who use tampons, it can also be infuriating to learn about the harm big brands are willing to cause. We're here to affirm your anger and soothe your fears.

There is no safe amount of lead for the body to be exposed to, but there is a level where you will start to experience side effects. This level is small, not as small as the amount found in a tampon, but as small as the amount found in a few day's worth. As in, the amount you use in a short period. People with longer periods will, of course, have higher exposure.

Luckly lead is usually expelled from the body naturally with more severe cases being treatable. This is not to say it isn't terrible, but it's not fatal.

The question being studied right now is whether the heavy metals can even be absorbed through the vagina. It's assumed that the answer is yes because of the increased absorption rates in vagunal tissue. But an issue this serious needs to be tested, they might not be dangerous at all (hopefully this is the case.)

Until we answer that question, scientists are urging people not to panic. In the meantime, there are many reusable options, which are usually just silicone, latex, or cotton. These products are a little more hassle and a lot better for the environment. That being said you shouldn't be forced to switch for risk of heavy metal poisoning.

The worst part of this story is that this whole story was legal. The FDA doesn't have stringent laws around period products so the companies who make them are technically not at fault for endangering so many people in this way. The system needs to change to prioritize people with periods, this is primarily an issue of systematic misogyny.

In the future, people should have access to whichever period product they want. For this we need to change the system to prioritise the health of everyone.
