CHILD + THE BANNED Adorns Herself With Real Thorns In New Single No Harm

Beauty, pain, and sex collide.


Known for her distinct childlike voice, described by a Phoniatrics specialist as ‘forever stuck in puberty’, CHILD, London’s most magical performer and Copenhagen’s most precious treasure, steps away from innocence in her latest single No Harm. She emerges as a bold yet reflective sexual being, artfully navigating the realms of resilience, curiosity, and vulnerability. With its blend of field recordings, homemade samples, lush string arrangements, and analogue synth landscapes, No Harm is a haunting anthem that could easily spark envy from the likes of Grimes.

CHILD’s voice soars effortlessly into choir-boy-like registers, yet she delves into themes choir boys would never dream of. Much like her previous release Dominion, a collaboration with top London producer-engineer Isabel Gracefield, who has worked with Fraser T Smith, Dua Lipa, and Adele, No Harm continues the powerful female duo's tradition of posing challenging questions with no straightforward answers.

No Harm emerged from my reflections on constrained female sexuality,’ confesses CHILD. ‘I've always observed how female desire is seen through this narrow lens, interpreted in an image, which has never aligned with my own experience of drive. With No Harm, I felt a strong urge to break apart all those constraining ideas of what appropriate female desire looks like. I wanted to show, in music and images, the chameleon nature of desire as I know it.’

For the striking No Harm campaign, created with photographer George William Vicary and art director/VFX artist Jamie Seechurn, CHILD took the concept of pain literally, adorning herself with real rose thorns, which she personally handpicked, symbolically and ironically reflecting her personal journey. In No Harm, she blurs the boundaries between submission and dominance, daring the listener. Sure you want to compare my kiss to a rose?
