Beauty Standards We Should Leave Behind In 2024

Embrace a more inclusive and authentic self-love journey.


Lots of people don’t like the way they look. The pressure comes from what we see on social media, from famous people, and those in the beauty business. They often show one type of beauty, making many feel they have to look a certain way. This hits us hard, with us trying to live up to these standards even if it hurts how we feel about ourselves. The beauty world needs to change. They should show all kinds of beauty. When we see real beauty in different shapes, colors, and sizes, it helps everyone feel okay with who they are.

Ageless skin

Many believe that ageless skin is a goal everyone should strive for. This idea leads to thinking that looking young is the only way to be beautiful. It makes people feel bad about their bodies at any age. There's a strong feeling that getting older is something bad. 

Today's beauty market is full of anti-aging items. They promise to keep you looking young but often set the wrong beauty standard. They make everyone think they must look young to be seen as beautiful. It's important to use skincare that is good for your skin, like products with antioxidants. This not only helps your skin but also helps you feel good about getting older.

Glass Skin

Glass skin looks amazing, but it doesn't always work for everyone. It might mean hiding the true texture and differences in our skin. This trend suggests really thorough cleaning and lots of hydration steps. These can make the skin look moist and shiny. Using a special kind of serum, called hyaluronic acid serum, is key. It gives the skin important kinds of nutrients and helps keep it looking dewy.

Trying too hard to reach this high bar can lead to bad habits. These might include scrubbing your face too much and using strong bleaching products. This can end up hurting your skin just to match a certain look. Remember, everyone's skin is one of a kind. 

Makeup as a Mask

Makeup is often seen as a way to hide our true selves. However, it can be a tool for showing who we really are. When we use makeup to feel good, it can boost our confidence. It's about being creative and expressing our inner beauty with color and style. This approach shows that the world is moving towards valuing real beauty over fake ideals.

Sadly, others may feel pressured by strict beauty standards. It's time we teach them what's real about beauty, helping them make their own beauty rules. By doing this, we can make everyone feel more confident and cheerful.
