Traveling According To The Stars

Here's the city you should visit based on your zodiac sign.


Planning a trip can be an exciting yet daunting task, especially when trying to find a destination that perfectly matches your personality and desires. To make your decision easier, we’ve crafted a travel guide tailored to each zodiac sign, highlighting destinations that align with the unique traits and preferences of each astrological sign. Whether you're a dynamic Aries or a dreamy Pisces, there's a place out there that's just right for you. Read on to discover where you should head next and what to do once you get there!


Chicago, USA

Chicago is the place for Aries, the city is energetic and busy just like Aries. 

When in Chicago, Aries should take in the unique architecture, eat at iconic places like Elske, and visit The Art Institute of Chicago. Take in as much as you can to keep your Aries brain busy.


Paris, France

Paris, the city of love is perfect for Venus-ruled Taurus. It embodies pleasure, luxury, and materialism, the domains of Taurus.

When in Paris, Taurus should give in to their desires and go all out on rich and luxurious french food. They should also go to the Dior Museum. 


Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto perfectly balances new and old. Having what can best be described as two faces, just like Gemini.

When in Kyoto, Gemini should take in all the historical beauty. Visiting ancient bamboo forests and temples. Gemini should also make time for how Kyoto blends old and new with its crafts and architecture. 


Reykjavík, Iceland

Dreamy and connected to nature, Cancer will find themselves right at home in Iceland.

When in Iceland, Cancer should spend their time taking in as much nature as possible. Iceland sits between two tectonic plates so is home to truly unique landscapes.


Los Angeles, USA

L.A. the home of the stars is exactly where Leo should be. Natural-born stars themselves will fit right in.

When in L.A. Leo should go full tourist mode. They should meet their heroes and see how the stars live so they can see how they might live if they become stars.


London, England

Virgos are industrious and practical, so they are better than one of the major industrial capital cities, London.

When in London, Virgos should see the government buildings. West minister is where Virgos would feel most at home, running things.


The Highlands, Scotland

Scotland is underrated as a romantic destination. But the stunning Highlands and rugged coastlines make for a getaway that will make Libra's heart happy.

When in the Highlands, Libra should lean into their Outlander fantasy. Dress for the occasion and see the beautiful countryside.


Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon has the history, culture, and charm that Scorpio hungers. 

When in Lisbon, Scorpio should live like a local. They are adept at fitting in and this is the best way for them to get the culture hit they need.


Bangkok, Thailand

Sagittarius needs vibrancy, and where better than one of the most populous cities in the world Bangkok.

When in Bangkok, Sagittarius should visit the bustling markets and try adventurous foods. They should also try to engage with Bangkok's vibrant nightlife.


New York, USA

New York is intense, fast-moving, and hard-working. All attributes that describe Capricorn as well. They are a match made in heaven. 

When in New York, Capricorn should do everything. No one can schedule quite like a Capricorn so if anyone can fit in much of what New York has to offer it is you.


New Orleans, USA

Aquarius is perfectly fitted for New Orleans, they have history, mystery, and artistic eccentricity. If anything defines Aquarius it is eccentricity.

When in New Orleans, Aquarius should take a ghost tour. Nothing is more fitting for an Aquarius, and nowhere has better ghosts than New Orleans.


Mumbai, India

Mumbai is the place for Pisces. Home to stunning ancient temples, it is fitting for the most spiritual sign. 

When in Mumbai, Pisces should visit a Buddhist temple, and meet with a monk. They will feel most fulfilled from seeing spirituality from a new perspective.
