Amazon's 'Totally Spies!' Live-Action Sparks Style Concerns

Fans hope iconic Y2K fashion stays true to the original


A Totally Spies! live-action is in the works at Amazon. The nostalgic action-packed cartoon will be turned into a TV series to be produced by Will Ferrell. 

This version of the show is said to be aimed at young adults and will see Sam, Alex, and Clover battling the balance of being international superspies while in their first year of college.

Known for being a fashion-forward cartoon, fans are worried about the quirky Y2K style of the spies being watered down – much like the Winx live-action and The Powerpuff Girls remake that never saw the light of day. 

The ever-changing outfits of the spies is what made the cartoon such a cult classic. Aside from their yellow, red, and green catsuits, they constantly debuted new outfits – something that went against the norm of cartoon character wardrobes.  

The style of the cartoon versions of Sam, Alex, and Clover are currently very on-trend. The Y2K resurgence has been leaking into modern-day style for a handful of years. Low-rise jeans, halter-neck tops, miniskirts, and platforms are this year’s summer uniform. 

How should the spies be styled? 

Color palette.

An interesting note about the way the cartoon versions are styled is that, aside from their spy uniform, they lack specific color palettes. Each girl wears a rainbow of colors, suggesting that they share and swap clothing. This is something that should be brought into the live-action to encapsulate the feeling of being at college with your best friends – three wardrobes become one. 

Maximalist dressing 

Monochrome is out. The spies have never shied away from pairing one bright color with another. This technique of dressing is ironic, three spies that are hiding in plain sight with their brightly-colored, almost clashing outfits. 

Platform shoes

Only shoes with height are allowed. Platform sneakers, wedges, knee-high boots, and heels elevate any outfit. It's another layer to the ironic way the spies dress, they prioritize style over comfort – even their spy shoes are heeled. They are frequently given gadget heels to eliminate enemies and free themselves from sticky situations. 

Let’s hope that the Totally Spies live-action encapsulates the style and character of the cartoon in ways that those before it could not.

Up next, Hollywood’s Most Iconic Jewelry Moments.
