5 Small Health Switches That Help You Lead A More Empowering Life
Being healthy can be a challenge.
Health is at the root of so much we want to achieve in life. If we want a more equal, prosperous and just world, it helps to have a vibrant and powerful body to go with it. Unfortunately, being healthy can be a challenge. It’s not easy when there are so many things out there that detract from our wellbeing. In this post, we’re not going to introduce a challenging diet or radical change in your lifestyle. Instead, we’re going to take a look at some of the small health switches you can make today that’ll have a massive impact on your long-term health future. Take a look at these ideas and get empowered:
Photo by Jack Sparrow from Pexels
Do you like the taste of nuts? If so, you’re in luck. Adding just a quick handful of these to your diet can have profound health benefits throughout the day. You’ll feel less hungry, more energised and less stressed. Furthermore, your body will thank you. Nuts help to improve insulin resistance and put you in the mood for activity. Who would have thought?
Eat Something That Feeds Your Good Bacteria
Don’t underestimate the power of good bacteria to improve the way you feel. Giving your body fibre-containing foods, like beans, oats and onions, select for the beneficial microbes while crowding out the types that hurt you.
Deal With Your Cravings
Cravings are such a big part of many of our lives, but they’re not a good thing. They control us and work against our best interests. It’s time to fight back and find healthier ways to deal with them.
The best approach is to find a substitute that works for you. For some, that means SMOK. For others, it could be eating ersatz foods. The choice is yours.
Focus On Adding Love To The World
Mental health issues are something that affects many people. Focusing on adding love to the world instead of pondering all the negatives can, however, change how you feel. Suddenly, you start to feel more empowered about your situation and able to do things that create positive outcomes in others. Being loving - even to people who disagree with you - can actually help you feel like you have real agency in the world.
Make Sleep A Priority
If you want to have plenty of energy and be at your best, you need to ensure that you get enough sleep. According to research, your risk of metabolic health problems goes up by as much as 23 per cent for each hour of shut-eye you lose at night.
If you have trouble getting to sleep, you can try several strategies. For instance, calming essential oils can help you drift off into a deep slumber. You can also try things like sleep-promoting foods, like pistachios and cherries. Some people like to create a better environment in their bedroom too, such as installing black-out curtains that block incoming street light.
When it comes to health, it’s often the small things that add up to make a big difference. Massive lifestyle changes aren’t sustainable. But slight alterations often are.
Next up, Virtual Resources for Black Women Struggling with Mental Health