5 Skin Hacks for Showering During Winter

Cause it’s harder to stay silky smooth when the temperature drops.


Maintaining silky smooth skin can be a challenge at the best of times, but once the mercury drops and the temperature plummets, it can feel pretty much impossible. Read on and let us soothe your scaly soul with our showering tips…


This is your first problem. It’s freezing outside, you come home and jump in a nice hot shower…TOO hot...for your skin anyway. Your body’s largest organ is on a temperature rollercoaster for the winter months and it can really suffer because of it! Excess heat can cause more water to evaporate from your skin leaving it very dry and dehydrated so make sure you spare a thought for your poor skin before you crank up the heat. Ps. Blasting your central heating doesn’t help either.

Shower Products

Post-Christmas we love to slather ourselves in the shower with all the lovely smelling products we received as gifts. However, certain products can be harsh on our skin. Beware of brightly colored shower gels or highly fragranced scrubs and creams as the chemicals they contain can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and itchy. Switch to natural or organic products and always check the list of ingredients, less ingredients = less nasties.

Body Brush

Once you’re out the shower pat yourself dry with your towel, no scrubbing allowed! Invest in a dry body brush with natural bristles which will exfoliate your skin without the need for harsh body scrubs. Dry body brushing will remove any dead skin cells, it also helps to boost your circulation and stops fluid retention. Use long sweeping motions and always brush towards your heart, it’s basically a no brainer.


Once you’ve brushed, your flake-free skin is ready to be moisturized, do this straight away whilst still in the heat of bathroom to lock in the moisture. Use products such as coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba oil and aloe vera, all the good stuff.


Winter months can cause breakouts of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as your skin isn’t exposed to sunlight and is unable to breathe through layers of clothing. When possible wear breathable fabrics such as cotton and use super moisturizing emollient lotions after showering to target affected areas. If symptoms persist or are anything more than mild irritation, make sure to see your doctor.


Following these tips should make sure that you glide smoothly into the New Year!


Next Up, How To Eliminate Whiteheads Once And For All
