Patterned Tights That Won't Break The Bank

How to wear the latest trend without spending a fortune.


Want to exude Blair Waldorf energy but can’t afford to fork out $200 for a pair of nylons? At that price tag you’d be scared to wear them out. Imagine snagging your Gucci tights on the leg of a chair. Or accidentally popping your nail through them when you’re pulling them down after a couple of wines. Just to remind us how poor we are and how much they don’t care, Gucci actually brought out a pair of pre-ripped tights. The statement tights trend has been adopted by luxury brands like Fendi and Balenciaga, which obvs means that high street brands have given it a go for a fraction of the price. 

ASOS have introduced a pair that more than slightly resemble Gucci’s offering. You’ve got to respect someone who says a big ‘fuck you’ to expensive brands by effectively copying their design and charging the same price as a pack of ciggies. 

Calzedonia are arguably the biggest in the statement tights game. These say ‘I love you’ in different languages. 

“You’ve got a ladder in your tights.” 


“Starts at te amo and goes all the way down to ich leibe dich.” 

Even Love Honey have jumped on the bandwagon. The best thing about their selection is undoubtedly their arselessness. You could have your cheeks out in the office and literally no one would know. How’s that for NSFW???

Although high street brands offer a nice alternative at a less disgusting price, they sort of defeat the object of the fancy tights in the first place: to be wearing the label on your legs. There’s quite a significant difference between Burberry monogram stockings and a pair of polka dot tights from PLT.


Up next, Get Ready To Step Up Your Style With Loafers

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