Our Tips On Looking After Yourself During Isolation
For your body and mind.
Whether you’re social distancing, self-isolating or your country is enforcing a lockdown, being confined to your home doesn’t have to mean endless doom, seeing the same four walls day in and day out could drive anyone insane but don’t worry we have a guide for that. Sure, you can’t nip out to see your friends or grab a bite to eat at your local cafe but there’s plenty of things you can do indoors. During this time it’s especially important to look after your mental health, even if you live with family your social interactions may change and feelings of no freedom, structure or purpose may creep in. But we’re all in this together and here, we’re sharing ways to keep your body and mind happy during this time.
#1 Get Your Body Moving
Even if you weren’t a gym bunny before it’s important to keep your body moving, sitting at a home desk all day with no commute to get moving or being on complete lockdown with no opportunity for a walk outside means that your body is restricted. Lucky for you the internet is bursting with at-home workouts (and they're free!) you can follow YouTube videos or even search on Instagram for some fitness gurus, maybe are posting workout videos to get their fans through.
#2 Get Creative
Particularly important for creative people! Whether you’re a writer or a painter, or even if you just like being creative now is the time to let it all out. Grab some paints or even just a paper and pencil and get drawing. Now is the perfect time to get those words out, either you want to start blogging or write a book! You have all the time in the world now and creative expression is great for relaxing the mind and setting it free.
#3 Meditation
With daily updates in the news and the world around us changing drastically, it’s normal to feel nervous and anxious but it’s important to be reasonable and find peace of mind, there are 3 steps to doing so which you can read about here. Once you’ve relaxed a little it’s then important to try to keep those feelings and bay, one way to do so is through meditation. And just like the exercise, you have access to tons of free meditations through YouTube, podcasts, and apps
#4 Don’t Eat All The Snacks
If your fridge and cupboards are bursting with food to last you the isolation period it can be really easy to spend the day snacking out of boredom, simply because you have that food at your disposal. But practice your normal rating habits, whatever they may be. To create some structure in your day, practice mindful eating. Ensure you sit down for your meal at the table with no distractions and concentrate on the food and flavors that you are eating with every bite.
#5 Self-care and Pampering Is Okay
As much as people are trying to stick to their normal routines and working hard from home, it’s okay to give yourself a break. You have time for it! Maybe you’re a shower person because your regular workday doesn’t leave time for a bath or maybe your normal skincare routine is moisturizing and go. Take this time to care for yourself, run that hot bath, apply that face mask, paint those nails. Letting yourself be pampered and taken care of during this time is important as we all battle feelings of uncertainty of what is to come next.
Finally, get some fresh air. If your country is allowing you to take a walk whilst practicing social distancing, then take that walk and make it worth it! If you can’t then make use of your garden, sit outside and read a book. Even just crack open the windows to let the fresh air in.
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