Moms Are Right About Exercise

What we can learn from older generations about fitness.


We're sure youve heard the phrase “Middle aged women will do anything to avoid lifting weights,” usually paired with an unconventional fitness method. But there is definitely something to the way they work out. The ‘mom’ method holds a lot of value under the surface and we would like to highlight all the benefits.

 First and foremost, low impact exercise is fantastic for a whole host of people. This is especially true for beginners. Most if not all the classes older women are attending are low impact, less strain on their knees, less chance of injury, and better for all bodies. 

With this they are welcoming everyone to exercise with them. This can't be a bad thing since exercise has so many benefits outside of physical appearance. 

Among these upsides to exercise are the social benefits. A lot of people's primary reason for exercise is the social benefits, this is why gym buddies are so common, why running groups are everywhere, even why walking groups are soaring in popularity. You never see ‘mom’ exercise being a solo endeavor. It's always groups, something you do with friends. In most cases, it's also where you make friends. Unfortunately, some gym environments don't provide this same positive environment so it can be a risk people aren't willing to take. 

 Most importantly, it's fun. Exercise has an ability to dull. A chore. Something you have to slog through. Why shouldn't we have fun while exercising? If it's fun it would surely attract more people and like we said, exercise has countless benefits no matter the form it takes. 

These classes work at building up a sweat and building muscle so the hate they attract has more to do with Puritan ideas about exercise, that we must suffer for a purely physical reason. We don't. So take a page out of your mom's book and introduce a little more fun into your life.
