Julia Fox: Aging Is In!

Why Julia Fox believes in praising the aging process.


In an industry saturated with youth and perfection, Julia Fox's recent comment on aging is like a breath of fresh air. The “Uncut Gems” actress, as well as possibly our favorite influencer ever, bluntly shared on Tiktok that she thinks aging, together with the wrinkles and age spots that come with it, is “in,” “hot” and “very sexy.”

Such a bold statement from the star is much more than a personal opinion - it's an empowering statement that questions long-held beauty standards and encourages women all over to start embracing their natural selves.

During a time when there is a heavy pressure to look young, Fox's message is especially impactful. Between social media filters and an ever-growing anti-ageing market, women are flooded with the message that they should be scared of getting older. To Fox's credit, she turns this the other way around by encouraging women to view their wrinkles and age spots as signs of a well-lived life.

It is difficult to downplay the meaning of such statements from female celebrities. After all, celebrities do have a platform and influence that can shape social norms or attitudes. So when someone like Julia Fox makes a statement, she is sending a huge message to her audience: 'It's okay to age, and you should show it!'

For women who feel forced to conform to an undefined, impossible beauty standard, this can be tremendously liberating.

In fact, Fox's statement further complements a large current of inclusivity and diversity in the fashion and beauty industry. Being inclusive of all ages, shapes and sizes will lead to an industry more reflective of real society. This change will not only benefit consumers, but will have a beneficial impact on future generations. Girls can develop a healthier self-esteem and have wider concepts of beauty.

Julia Fox views aging as a call to action rather than a mere personal statement. It's a bold declaration that beauty is not confined to youth and that real self-confidence stems from accepting and celebrating ourselves at every stage of life. We hope that if more celebrities follow this lead, a cultural shift will occur that puts authenticity above perfection.

Take a lesson from Julia Fox and let's start embracing our wrinkles, freckles and all the things that make us beautiful. Because nothing is sexier than remaining true to yourself.
