How To Use Gems And Crystals To Manage Your Anxiety

Be Gentler On Yourself.


Almost everyone can relate to that feeling of stress and anxiety in their life. Today, the demands of everyday life greatly contribute to these negative emotions in one's life. For some, this anxiety is only temporary and minuscule. Unfortunately, some suffer it to a greater extent.

If you belong to the latter, you may have been prescribed with medications to help manage your anxiety. Before you jump right into it, however, there may be other natural options for you to choose from. This isn't to discourage you from taking medication, but if you can be a lot friendlier on your body, why not?

Healing crystals are a well-loved choice by many, especially to those who believe in its power to manage their anxiety. This article gives you everything you need to know about healing crystals for anxiety and how to use them.

1. Let Your Intuition Decide

A part of properly using the right gems and crystals is to let your intuition decide. Once you're in a store or shopping for gems online, follow your intuition as to which crystals you'll use. This choice will be highly dependent on the manner you intend to use it best.

Not many may be comfortable with wearing crystals, but they're fine with having these around their homes or using it during meditation. Because it's a mental health issue you're using the stones for, let your mind take you to the right stone.

Generally, this choice will also depend on the specific power that the stone is perceived to have. That way, you can best match the stone with the root cause of your anxiety.

2. Use It While Meditating

This section applies to those who practice meditation as their means of stress-relief. Meditation can come in many different forms and doesn't necessarily have to do anything with religion or faith practices. Regardless of the form of meditation you perform, there are ways for you to elevate the power of relief it brings your mind.

One of these is by using, wearing, or having gems and crystals around you as you meditate. The best gem for you to use while meditating for stress-relief is rose quartz. This is because it allows you to have that practice of self-love and self-compassion. For people that suffer from anxiety, it's common for them to lose a sense of self-worth. Meditating with rose quartz is believed to bring back this effect.

Here are other benefits associated with rose quartz for anxiety:

  • Clears any toxic attachments and emotions that may be contributing to your anxiety
  • Gives you confidence when you're in a stressful situation

Other stones that can be paired with meditation include:

  • Lepidolite: This crystal helps you get a hold of yourself in emotionally overwhelming situations. Practice deep breathing for two minutes while holding this crystal, then feel your anxiety pass through.
  • Clear quartz: This gem is best used with rose quartz to elevate its effects. It's also fondly called the ‘master healer’ of all stones.
  • Sodalite: This is the stone of peace. It helps ward off anxiety attacks by calming the mind.
  • Obsidian: This stone is a natural shield against negativity. It brings your mental strength and clarity to go through the most severe of all anxiety situations.

To strengthen the power of these gems while meditating, you can use any paraphernalia that also brings you relaxation, such as candles, aromatherapy, and even a pendulum for balance. For the latter, learn how to use a pendulum here.

3. Wear It As Jewelry And Accessories

One of the easiest and most widely used means of using gems and crystals is by wearing it on your body. It depends on your preference, as you can wear it as a necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings, or any form of accessories that you like. Wearing it on your body also gives you that healing power and protection against anxiety even while you're out and about.

However, not all kinds of crystals are best worn. Different healing crystals have their respective properties, so it also depends on the perceived power of the crystals.

Some of the crystals that work the best when worn include:

  • Amethyst: This crystal is best used by those that need anxiety relief by having clarity and inner peace. It's a well-rounded crystal that doesn't just help with this mental health problem, but even with physical health as well.

Amethyst is said to connect with the body's third-eye chakra. Therefore, it enables you to handle even the worst situations in a more meaningful and logical manner. This, in turn, reduces anxiety.

  • Blue Lace Agate: This crystal helps heal anxiety due to rejection and judgment. The blue lace itself resembles calm ocean waves, creating that calming feeling for your mind. It's also highly recommended for those that suffer social anxiety.
  • Jet Stone: This gem wards off any anxious thoughts. It also protects you from any negative energy throughout the time you're wearing it.
  • Rhodochrosite: This stone is best used by those suffering from anxiety due to trauma. It can naturally help treat panic attacks and anxiety.
  • Smoky Quartz: This stone is best worn by the busy bee. Anxiety can sometimes be due to one's busy schedule, and smoky quartz helps calm a busy mind, warding off symptoms of anxiety.

4. Remember To Clean It Regularly

The crystal's power to manage your anxiety can only work when it's clean and free of any impurities. Therefore, if you intend on bringing your crystal out, such as wearing it, be sure that you clean it the moment you’re at home.

Otherwise, whatever negative energy it may have caught throughout the day will be brought inside your home. Rather than calming your mind off your anxious feelings, the reverse might even happen.

For their powers to remain strong after every use, here are ways for you to clean your gems:

  • Clean it in natural, running water
  • To cleanse all the negative energies it caught, add sea salt or sage
  • Leave it to dry in full morning light or the evening during a full moon


With this information on how you can use crystals to help your body heal from anxiety, you can now opt to go for this natural option. When you're already suffering from this mental health problem, be gentler on yourself.

Before submitting to over-the-counter medicines that may have long-term side effects, these healing crystals allow your body to go through a more peaceful and holistic means of healing. Plus, they don't come with side effects.

All that's left for you to do now is to head out shopping for your crystal of choice and start using it.

Top image:  Sharon McCutcheon 
