How to Lose Weight During The Lockdown: 5 Tips You Can Use
The longer that you have to stay inside, the bigger the effect these unhealthy choices have on your body.
During the lockdown you might be tempted to snack on crisps, chocolate and other unhealthy treats – you’re only human. But the longer that you have to stay inside, the bigger the effect these unhealthy choices have on your body. Which is why, throughout quarantine, many are looking for ways to lose weight.
But how do you do this healthily whilst maintaining social distance and quarantine rules? Here are 5 tips that you can use:
Maintain a Workout Regime
At the moment you might feel as though you can’t easily workout. However, not only are you able to go out for one form of exercise a day (i.e. a long walk or a jog), but you can exercise effectively from the comfort of your home.
Whether you opt for a free virtual exercise class or to head out into your garden and workout (you can either skip or lift weights, for example) you’ll feel great afterwards. A key step to losing weight throughout quarantine, it seamlessly complements a healthy diet.
Stock up on Healthy Food
Ever since the lockdown began, the demand for takeaways in this country has rapidly risen. Alongside this, many people are skipping their usual meals and instead resorting to unhealthy alternatives. If you’re trying to shift some weight during this time, then put down the unhealthy snacks and opt for food choices.
For example, instead of calorific chocolate, have a handful of mixed nuts, apple slices with peanut butter or simply a piece of fruit to help curb your appetite.
Consider Meal Replacement Shakes
Over the last few years, the popularity of meal replacement shakes has massively increased. And it’s easy to see why. Those looking for shakes are probably aware that they can be an extraordinary way of losing weight.
But if you’re not familiar, then you’ll be pleased to know that not only are they designed to provide you with all of the key nutrients that you’d usually consume in a meal but with fewer calories, but they will help you to feel fuller for longer so you’re not tempted to snack!
Image: Total Shape
Create a Fitness/Diet Diary
Ok, so you might have heard this piece of advice before. But this is even more prevalent throughout the lockdown. To ensure that you’re keeping active and aren’t eating too unhealthily, you could create a diary.
This is also great if you do lose some weight and want to assess how far you’ve come. Helping to boost your confidence, you’ll feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.
Cut Down on The Alcohol
As all of the pubs and bars are now closed, you may have resorted to buying alcohol in bulk. And whilst a drink now and again isn’t too detrimental to your health, regular consumption is definitely not the way to go.
Whether you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight during this time, cutting back on alcohol is key. Alcohol is very high in calories (e.g one pint of beer is the same as a large slice of pizza - 197 calories) and when you’re drinking more than the recommended 14 units a week, you’ll start to see an increase in your weight.
Next up, Hair And Beauty Products You Need While You Can’t Leave The House