Grimes's Recent Post Sparks Body Modification Rumours

Are we entering a new era of Grimes?


Grimes is no stranger to making shocking announcements and surprising her fans. She is the embodiment of going against the norm, and with her recent instagram post we couldn’t be more Grimessessed! 

Since August she has tweeted her interest in body modifications, especially having her ears altered to create the appearance of elf ears - “2 years ago I made an appt with a great plastic surgeon, thought I might want to change things up by my mid 30s, but then I forgot and never thought about what I should do. Any face mods y'all think would look good on me? - Also does anyone know anyone great/safe/reliable ppl who could do vampire teeth caps on me in Austin or LA? Also, any reputable elf ear modifiers in either of these cities?” 

With this idea being something she has been contemplating for a while, it looks like Grimes has taken the next step into her transformation. 
Just over a month later, she posted a photo of herself,  it looks like post-op, with the caption “I did smthn crazy!” This update has her followers asking “YOU DID THE EARS??” 
So…has she? 

Grimes is thriving in September, as she not only releases a teaser of her album cover but announces the completion of  BOOK 1, her upcoming 6th studio album - “My friend and I perfected the last song in the plastic surgery clinic - I have 20 songs so maybe BOOK 1 and BOOK 2?” 
With the elvish features on her possible album cover, is this an insight into the new Grimes? 


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