Effectively Deal With Your Pscyhological Problems

Emotional injuries are not visible.


In contrast to physical injuries, emotional injuries are not visible. Sometimes they don't even notice those affected themselves. And yet they are there, blocking us, restricting us, preventing us from living freely and happily. The injury often takes place in childhood. By humiliation, disparagement or offense by parents, teachers or classmates. Particularly large wounds leave traumatic experiences or the loss of a loved one. We often carry such mental injuries with us into adulthood. Sometimes they do not open again until late and bring us completely off balance. What we experience and learn as a child shapes us for life. 

If negative experiences fall during this important time, it can become deeply rooted in us until it breaks out of us one day in adulthood. What are the causes of emotional pain? Just like an open wound on the leg, mental injuries must also be taken seriously. Possible causes for mental injuries are: 

  1. An injustice
  2. A disappointment
  3. Lack of care from parents
  4. Lack of security in the family
  5. An accident
  6. A breakup
  7. A bereavement
  8. A disease
  9. A traumatic experience
  10. Experienced violence

In short, everyone has suffered from mental injuries at some point. But while some process the pain, others ignore the injury until the old wound rips open again. Perhaps years of drilling in the wound will lead to this, perhaps it is a moment or a situation that brings something long repressed to the surface. How does mental pain feel? Mental pain can express itself very differently, for example through emotions like feelings of:

  1. Guilt
  2. Loneliness
  3. Doubt
  4. Self-reproach
  5. Feelings of shame
  6. Frustration

Often repressed emotional injuries lead to the fact that we no longer feel that we are repeatedly exceeding our limits, that we expect too much and that we ignore our own needs. Mental injuries can even turn into physical ones and make you sick. Palpitations, exhaustion, dizziness, even panic attacks and depression can be the result and throw us off track. Then at the latest it is time to fathom and heal the emotional injuries. You can always get help, however. Psychological rehabilitation for example, is one thing that you can do to help yourself. 

How can you heal mental injuries?

First of all, you should get to the bottom of the causes of your emotional pain, because they are not always obvious. An accident, bereavement or separation are more clearly recognizable as a trigger than a rebuke in childhood that you felt was unjust. Grief and separation pain are usually very fresh wounds that need to be "treated" as quickly as possible. 

1. Face the pain and let it happen

You probably grew up believing that emotional pain is a weakness that should not be shown. Which has to be suppressed. But that's exactly where the crux of the matter lies: Mental pain has to be let out! Life is full of ups and downs - and you have to accept them. 

2. Learn to love yourself

Those who have experienced rejection usually look for the reason for it in themselves. This inevitably leads to an overly critical view of oneself. Those who were often reprimanded as a child often have low self-esteem as an adult. You need to learn to love who you are, find someone who will help you with this.
