Can Abstaining From Sex Put The Oh My Back In Your Orgasm?

No Tom Hanks Either!


Every once in a while we find ourselves a little bit sex less. That is to say, without sex. You might be abstaining through choice, taking some time out from dating, getting over a break up or simply not being interested in sex. Or, it might not be through choice, not getting any due to a lack of someone to play with. Either way, we’ve all been in that position (pun intended) at some point in our lives. The question is, can a self enforced case of blue balls, actually be the elixir for mind blowing orgasms?

What Happens When We Orgasm and When We Don’t

Opinion seems to be split when it comes to whether having regular orgasms is more or less beneficial. Many athletics abstain from sex when training in order to focus completely on achieving and breaking their milestones. Others, including academics, professors and even scientists have said that having orgasms can relive stress and help you to concentrate more. Terribly contradictory.

Let’s get real girls, so many of us have set some time aside for a little play time tout seul, simply in order to reduce menstrual cramps. During your time of the month, you feel bloated, irritated and totally unsexy, yet having an orgasm can work wonders for you! This proves that the orgasm is a complicated little tickle indeed.

So what about a dry patch in your relationship? It’s only normal for long term relationships to go through peeks and troughs, constant multiple orgasms and then nothing but tumble weed and hopefully back to earth shattering O’s again. But is it that sex for the first time in a long time feels more amazing and strengthens your orgasms or does it weaken them?

A Practiced Sex (Less) Choice

Some couples actually practice abstinence as part of their regular sex life. Teasing each other either just through words and visuals or even bringing each other to the edge then stopping.  This includes no tom hanks for either partner too! If you can muster the will power, these couples swear by it, saying it results in more intense orgasms. Not only that, but they find they are more productive in their every day lives. They don’t procrastinate, they keep the house tidy and essentially just get shit done. Other women not practicing by choice, have reported to feel less intense orgasms after long sexless periods. Again, opinions are completely split.   

The Verdict

As we all know, men and women work differently and not every woman is the same as the next. For some women, prolonged periods of no hanky panky only diminishes their sex drive, while for others it drives them crazy (in a great way). Perhaps there’s a set amount of time for each person, where by stopping all orgasms for their ultimate timeframe can be an unreal experience. But, if you surpass your allocated time, it might not be so beneficial.

It’s definitely an area worth exploring. Who wouldn’t want to have the best orgasms of their life while being more productive at work and having the motivation to do the dishes every night?! If you want to give it a go, try abstaining for a week and see how you feel. You can always build up to two weeks the next time. The ideal amount of time for you, should leave you feeling riled up and hot under the collar within a moments notice. When the slightest brush against your thigh, sends tingles up your spine. Of course, if after your abstinence, a touch across the thigh leaves you feeling more sluggish and bored than ever, you’ve probably gone too far! Jump into bed as soon as possible to break the cycle!


Next up, 5 Myths You Need To Forget About Squirting
