A Bag Made Of Air? Beyond Imagination

A marvel of modern science.


Have you ever imagined a bag made almost entirely out of air? Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi novel, right? Well, the fashion brand Coperni, known for its boundary-pushing designs, has turned this wild idea into reality. At the tail end of their 2023 show in Paris, they had already stolen the spotlight when Bella Hadid strutted down the runway, transforming from semi-nude to dressed in a white dress sprayed onto her body. 



Now, they're capturing our imaginations once more with something called the Aerogel Air Swipe Bag, a creation that seems like it's borrowed from a NASA lab rather than a fashion studio. The material often dubbed as "solid smoke" because of its ethereal, cloud-like appearance, is a silicon-based substance that has a porous structure so airy that over 99% of it is just open space. Imagine holding a piece of the sky in your hands—that's the vibe Coperni's latest creation gives off.



The minds behind this innovation are Sébastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant, Coperni's founders, who teamed up with Ioannis Michaloudis, a researcher and professor with a knack for blending science and art. Together, they embarked on this ambitious project to incorporate aerogel, a material supported by NASA for its lightweight and insulating properties, into fashion. The result? A bag that's not just a fashion statement but a marvel of modern science.



The Aerogel Air Swipe Bag represents a fascinating fusion of technology and fashion. It's a glimpse into a future where our clothes and accessories do more than just look good—they're statements of technological innovation and artistic daring. Plus, it's not every day you get to say your bag is made of the same materials that help explore outer space.

Would you see yourself walking around with a piece of the cosmos by your side? Or do you think it's a step too whimsical for the practical world we live in?
