Why Kamala Harris And Female Representation In The White House Matters

Representation fucking matters.


It should go without saying that not having women in positions of power and decision-making roles can (and will) negatively impact lives. More female representation at the top, means more people fighting for women's rights and interests of the community, but still only 21% of the parliaments of the world are women. Generations of young women across the globe have watched the 'most powerful country in the world' be ruled by men, until the 2020 election came and said, "Fuck it!" to the rules. 

Dubbed “The Year of The Woman”, the 2018 midterms broke records with the number of women elected, but 2020 smashed it and gave us Vice President, Kamala Harris. In a role previously dominated by 48 white men, she has now made history being the 1st Female, 1st Black and 1st South Asian Vice President.

We know that having a woman as Vice President will not automatically erase sexism, bigotry or inequality across the USA. But one thing we do know is Kamala Harris provides a world of new opportunities for little girls, who now believe one day they could run for president if they wanted to. Parents and women of all ages can rest a little easier, knowing that there is now a woman making decisions that affect (and hopefully benefit) them.

Aside from Kamala's accomplishment, we must also celebrate all 134 women who will be serving in Congress, both Democrats and Republicans. Whilst it is natural to be optimistic and excited for the future, the fight is not yet over, with only a third of seats occupied by women. But with women like AOC, Cori Bush, and Sarah McBride, it is much easier to have hope for the years ahead. 

Whatever your thoughts on Kamala’s views and politics, one universally obvious fact is that a woman in her role is a positive step forward for women, feminism and equality.

“What I want young women and girls to know is: You are powerful, and your voice matters. While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last – because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.” – Kamala Harris, Vice President.

Up Next, Here’s Your Guide To Kamala’s Views
