We Sat Down With Glasgow Based Band Foreign2

Sexism in the industry, finding your people, and new songs.


When you're in a room with Foreign2 their charm is immediate, if we didn't love their music already sitting down to talk with them would've been plenty to make us the biggest fans.



Their love of music is evident straight away with how thrilled they are for their upcoming headline gig at King Tuts and how much work they put into their music. The whole band have busy lives outside their music but still put as much time into it as possible. They told me, "We have a chart of everyone's schedule just to know when we can practice."

With the band's growing presence comes working with more people in the industry and they made it very clear that they're trying to work with more people in the industry who care about music and respect the band. 

Partly this desire is because it's always better to work with people who care about the music, but also because they want singer Charlotte to receive the same respect the rest of the band receives. Charlotte who has experienced more than her fair share of sexism, said, "There was a time where we were doing a sound check and they asked about adjustments for everyone else but not me."

Charlotte is a fundamental part of the band, she is their lyricist. While the music as a whole is always a collaborative work, she puts the words to it. She told us that when she writes she plucks her inspiration from her life and conversations with friends, but at times she says, “It's nice to pretend you're writing a story.”

Very humbly she tried to share the credit,  but Jake, the guitarist, was quick to give her her well-deserved props describing the rest of the band as the editors. 

The collaborative nature of the writing means that the band takes their time making music, they play around with sounds until they have the perfect song.

Just because they take their time making music doesn't mean we have to wait long for more. They shared that there are two songs in the works that they are ready to play live and a third song that we'll have to look forward to.

New songs mean fans who have been going to their gigs for a while will have something new to look forward to, but the band told us they will still keep a few popular songs in their setlist so we can still sing along.
