Understanding The Motivation Of Female Entrepreneurs

What lies behind the motivation and drive.


Female entrepreneurs are so valuable to all of us: they can be used as a source of endless inspiration for young girls (and boys) everywhere, and everyone needs how important it is for youngsters to look up to someone who isn’t an athlete or an entertainer. Even though entertainers themselves have been known for their business skills and endeavors, it’s worth pointing out that a lot of their businesses are managed by their team or family members who need to be part of their life and managing a clothing line or a makeup collection can be a great way to make that happen.

Now, everywhere we look, there are articles, books, tips and advice on how to succeed and become a rich and successful entrepreneur. When it comes to female entrepreneurs, things are pretty much the same, except our society is still getting accustomed to the fact that being female and entrepreneur can go hand in hand. So, in order to make things clearer, here are some suggestions and ideas that might further explore what lies behind the motivation and drive of female entrepreneurs:

1. They want to challenge the status quo

A lot of successful women started by wanting to bring change to what wasn’t considered their domain. That’s why Oprah became the first black talk show host and the most successful one at that. Similarly, many female entrepreneurs that started their own beauty brands, did so, as they needed a solution to their specific beauty issues. For example, Jessica McGinty, founder of haircare brand Jessicurl, decided to start making her own products, because there weren’t many that catered to her own specific needs. Wanting to create innovative solutions and fix problems is the main source of motivation for many female entrepreneurs.

2. They feel the need to use their potential

Claiming that each person can become a world-class entrepreneur, politician or athlete is naive at best. But, for many years, women were told their only aspiration in life should be getting married and raising a family, which isn’t always the best way if you want to work on your potentials. Of course, many successful women still managed while taking care of their families, but the truth is no one will flat out tell you to use your potential since you’re the one who has to realize that and start working on fulfilling your dreams and goals. No one will hand it to you on a plate, so just like all the successful women before you, you really must work hard until you get what you want and deserve.

3. They appreciate their own time

Since female entrepreneurs are so driven and focused, it makes sense that they’re also excellent time managers who know how to divide their time and use the most of their day. That’s why they always point out the importance of having a morning routine, such as doing yoga before going to work and always doing your best to do things that benefit your mind and body. Most entrepreneurial women are keen on reading, learning, and traveling since gaining new experiences always gives them ideas that help them be more successful and run their businesses with more efficiency.

4. They aren’t shy to ask for help

Businesswomen have a vision, but unfortunately, if you want to succeed, that’s often not enough, and in order to reach your goals, you need to have a trusted team of people that will be able to help you execute your ideas [and understanding risk management that could help you in the process of identifying any problems or threats within the organization.] Now, when it comes to working with others, the crucial thing you should know is that asking for help isn’t a bad thing. Yes, maybe you’re tough and ambitious, but no one isn’t able to do all things at once, not even you. Therefore, finding and recruiting people who’ll be part of your team should be your priority. You can ask your friends, family members or people who share your vision to help you. Also, make sure to always delegate the tasks and don’t forget to be honest and admit to yourself that something’s not your area of expertise. For example, some leaders are great visionaries, but they’re not so good with paperwork. If you’re like that, don’t hesitate to ask a person of trust to help you sort out the paperwork, so you’ll be able to focus on other stuff.


Being motivated is the first step towards fulfilling your business dreams. But, aside from being motivated, it’s crucial to be disciplined and have a no-nonsense attitude so you won’t have to waste your time on insignificant matters such as petty office drama. Being focused, meditation, reading the right type of literature and having daily/weekly/monthly routine will greatly help you stay on track and use your potential without being distracted. Maybe you won’t be the next Oprah, but you’ll learn how to become more productive, successful and happier which is sometimes can be just what you need.


Next Up, 8 Tips On How To Become A Positively Empowered Woman
