How To Navigate Your Early 20s

Speaking to all twenty-somethings that are feeling “lost".


There is a lot of pressure put on people in their 20s to have their lives all “figured out”. Post-graduation, we are met with the agile question “what are you going to do now?”.  
As I rapidly approach 23 next month, I thought I’d share some of the key things I’ve learned so far in what is arguably, one of the most exciting yet daunting decades of our lives. 


If You Don’t Do It Now, You Never Will  


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Now is the time to put yourself out there and take risks. With little responsibility and big dreams, there are no excuses for not going after what you want. Don’t be afraid to steer away from the “norm” of what your peers are doing if it means doing something that you’re passionate about. Focus on what makes you the happiest – take small steps each day that will help you reach your goal.


Accept Failure  

If graduating in a pandemic has taught me one thing, it’s to accept failure and deal with rejection. The most successful people have experienced failure along their route to success. To succeed, you must be prepared to fail. It is how you build resilience – so don’t fear it, embrace it. With every setback there is an opportunity to grow and learn – trust the process.


Everything Happens For A Reason  


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The saying is as true as they come. Feeling heartbroken, rejected, or lost are all temporary blips in your life that you are yet to start truly living. Even though it hurts in the moment, the difficult times will pass. If you missed out on the “dream job” you had been lusting after, don’t get too disheartened. It simply means that something better is around the corner.  
So, next time you are worrying about “feeling lost” or panicking, thinking that all your friends have a 5-year plan mapped out – remember, no one has it truly figured out. We are all just trying to do the best we can with what we’ve got.  
Enjoy the spontaneity and unpredictability of being young - it’s prime time to live freely, be present and fulfill your potential.


In case you missed it,  Top Podcast Recommendations for Females Figuring Out Their Twenties
