Thought Daughter Vs Thot Daughter

How women on TikTok are reclaiming their brains.


For a long time the question “Gay son or thot daughter?” circled the internet. Asking people to choose between their hypothetical child being queer or promiscuous. The question had outdated views rooted in homophobia and slut shaming.

Thankfully most saw through the problematic nature of the question and answered that they would love their child no matter who they were. That didn't stop the question from being asked or existing on the internet. When something so toxic exists so freely, there must be a push back, and that push back came in the form of the Thought Daughter.

The nature of the Thought Daughter is malleable to the individual, but -in a nutshell- is a whole individual. She is usually categorized by literature, art, and poetry. And always categorized by their female forward views.

The Thought Daughter ideology is attempting to balance modern feminism with softer and kinder ideals. There is often push back on this, because second wave feminism presented women as equal to men in all regards, hardening women into cogs in a capitalist system instead of flattening the playing field so the gentle and the cutthroat have equal lives. Second wave feminism prevailed in the face of misogyny, so many fear that to give up on everyone being equal in a capitalist system would be to give up on equality all together.

This isn't the goal of the movement though. It's to neutralize slut shaming, to stop reducing women to their sex lives, instead regard them as thinking feeling people.

In a Thought Daughter world, caring is encouraged alongside reading and education. The arts are celebrated in equal amounts to STEM. For the Thought Daughter the goal is a kinder world.

Most importantly this ideology is also pro-sex, as it is pro-woman. The movement understands that with care, empathy and feminism comes supporting all other women. It's understandable that being well-read comes with increased understanding of women's struggles. It comes with seeing the inequalities women face with stigma and stereotypes. It comes with being a girl's girl.

Unfortunately, the movement has its downsides. To be a Thought Daughter comes with a slew of mental health problems, to be a Thought Daughter is to love in sadness. In spite of The Bell Jar being a staple of the Thought Daughter movement, which ends on a note of surviving.

The movement is due for a revamp, a deeper analysis which allows the women who adhere to it some levity in life. The feminists of today need to find a way to move forward with positivity or their movements might just burn them out.
