The Ultimate Guide To Decluttering Your Wardrobe

It’s time to say goodbye to those items taking up valuable space.


The 20th March marks the first day of spring. We can begin to look forward to sunny skies and wearing fewer layers. But, where have all your cute tops gone? They’ve likely been buried behind your winter wardrobe. Well, great news — it’s spring cleaning season! There’s no better time to give your wardrobe a fresh start and make room for new pieces.

Step 1: Find Your Motivation 

It’s much easier to declutter when you’re in the right mindset and feeling productive. It may be tempting to wait for a wave of inspiration, but if your wardrobe is a mess, it’s best to start now.

A great motivator is always buying more clothes. It’s exciting to purchase new items to upgrade your style and prep for the upcoming season, but you need room to store them. Make space for all the trendy pieces that will fulfill your fashion needs.

Step 2: Empty Your Wardrobe

The best way to start is by emptying your entire wardrobe. Take everything out. You’ll get a useful, visual representation of how many clothes you’ve had tucked away. Do you have more than you're able to wear?

Find a clear, flat surface, like a bed, desk, or floor, and start sorting your clothes into piles. At this stage, organize your clothing by its category, such as t-shirts, jumpers, trousers, dresses, etc. The more organized you are, the easier the process will be.

Step 3: Prepare for a Lengthy Try-On Session 

You need to try on EVERYTHING. This is the time to carefully evaluate each piece and decide whether it stays or goes. Consider the following questions for easier decision-making: 

• Does it fit me?

• Does it flatter me?

• Does it make me feel good?

• Is it still good quality?

• When did I last wear this? (If it’s been over a year, you probably won’t wear it again)

• Would I buy it today?

• Where could I wear this?

• Will you wear it again? (Seriously)

If you’re an indecisive, clothing hoarder, grab a friend to help you decide. Try on the clothing you’re unsure about and ask for an honest opinion to speed up the process and push you forward. 

Step 4: Organise Again

Create two clear piles of clothing: one for keeping, and one for giving away. Once you’ve decided the fate of an item, place it into the correct pile, and repeat until you’ve been through every piece of clothing.

Step 5: Styling Your New Wardrobe.

Now that you’ve decided what stays, it’s time to put all your favorites back in your wardrobe. But don’t just shove it all back in. Take this opportunity to organize your clothes in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and practical. 

There are a few ways you can organize your clothes:

• By category (e.g. tops, trousers, dresses, etc.)

• By occasion (e.g. daily, formal, cozy, etc.)

• By season (e.g. spring, summer, etc.)

• By color (e.g. neutrals and bright colors)

Step 6: Part With Unwanted Clothes

You should now have a pile of clothes you no longer need. Maybe they no longer suit you, but could they be a great fit for someone else? Consider the different ways you can get rid of your preloved clothes:

• Donate (to a local charity or a clothing donation bank)

• Gift (to a friend or family member) 

• Sell (through online platforms such as eBay, Depop, Vinted, etc.)

• Recycle (a great choice for clothing that’s damaged or unsellable)

Enjoy your newly organized wardrobe! It will be much quicker and easier to find the perfect outfit each day. 
