Summer’s Over, We’re In A Fat Recession And You’ve Got No Job

Five ways to move on.


As summer fades, thousands of new university graduates are left wondering, ‘what happens next?’  With graduation ceremonies put on hold and the very real prospect of fewer graduate jobs to go round, here are five ways to move on and remain positive in the coming months.

It’s Okay To Feel Angry And Sad 

It’s okay to feel the overwhelming urge to scream whenever you think about the summer that you could have had in 2020, we get it, it sucks. You’re allowed to feel like some of the best moments of your life have been taken away from you, like graduation, endless nights out, and final goodbyes. Just as long as you don’t dwell for too long and remember better times will come!

Photo: Dương Nhân

Keep Fit And Get A Self Care Routine

It’s always important to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing but it’s especially important in uncertain times like these. For a lot of us, lockdown reignited everyone’s love for going out on walks, as that was all we could do! Sometimes even leaving the house for a short amount of time can be incredibly beneficial for us, mentally and physically. Ooh, and a bath every now and then doesn’t go a miss! 

Photo: Ekaterina

Reach Out To Friends And Family For Support

Talking to friends and family about how you’re feeling is one of the best ways to help you start feeling better. 

And you never know, your friends may be feeling the exact same way as you.

Photo: Daria 

Set Small Achievable Goals And Celebrate Success

Let’s get one thing straight, nobody’s going to come out of this pandemic a billionaire (unless you’re Jeff Bezos). So don’t be too disheartened when you feel like you’re treading water after completing your degree. Remember in peak lockdown when we were all making whipped coffees and learning TikTok dances, and how great it felt when you perfected them? Translate that into everyday life and celebrate the small things, like perfecting a new recipe or buying yourself a new pair of sneakers. You deserve it after all! 

Photo: Andrea

Keep Busy. Think About Volunteering

The best way to take your mind off things that are worrying you is to keep busy! Whether that be starting up a Depop page, taking up gardening or perfecting a new skill! Volunteering is also a great way to find out what you’re passionate about while also giving back to the community. 

Top image: Andrea Piacquadio via, Preview image: Cottonbro via

