‘Safe DM’ Twitter Plugin Deletes Unsolicited Dick Pics From Your DMs

Wave goodbye to shaft close-ups!


It’s 6.30 am, you’ve smashed the snooze button 12 times already and the thought of your rush-hour commute has you considering quitting your job and living off instant noodles for the rest of your life.
Your phone buzzes, with the notification of a new Twitter DM, and just when you though the morning could not get any worse, a surprise awaits: 4inches of NSFW horror.

Despite unsolicited dick picks (AKA. Cyberflashing) being illegal in Scotland and considered as harassment widely across the world, countless people deal with unwanted sexual images landing in their inbox every day. 

Make way for ‘Safe DM’! The new filter from Twitter which allows users to stop the receiving of unsolicited pictures. With an apparent 99% success rate, ‘Safe DM’ is a plugin for Twitter which uses Artificial Intelligence to flag up NSFW content, blocking and deleting it before it has to ruin your day. 

To create and test the new software used for the filter, developer Kelsey Bressler reached out on Twitter asking users to direct message her sensitive 18+ content, and over 4,000 (consensual, human) dicks were sent in. Developers also say that the plugin does not read messages, only detects inappropriate images. 

You can register to start using Safe DM. And don't worry, anytime you do wanna be receiving some cheeky material, the plug-in can be easily disabled.


Next up, 5 Non-Awkward Ways To Tell Your Crush You Like Them

