The World Needs More Queer Female Musicians Like Rona Mac
Her newest single ‘Weapon’ is out.
Although Rona Mac’s genre inspirations have been described as ‘indie-pop,’ the artist herself admits that until recently she wasn’t quite sure what that label actually refers to. And then her newest single, ‘Weapon,’ stepped in the way. ‘I woke up with the riffs in my head, and as always, it was a chunk of emotion that needed to be unpicked from under my skin.’
The song that, essentially, was born out of a dream is a wonderful combination of various musical inspirations, including old-school vibes like Jeff Buckley and Red Hot Chilli Peppers on the one hand and new sounds of Marika Hackman or Phoebe Bridgers on the other. ‘With music, I would love to help break down walls of pretence: to question the comfortable boxes we put ourselves in and cut straight through to something more real’, Rona explains.
And she does a great job at breaking these walls because her music is full of boundless space. No wonder since she often draws her inspirations from nature and references water, sea, tide or land in her songs, living on the Welsh coast in Pembrokeshire. Her lifestyle also reflects her approach to music-making as she is dedicated to creating organic and wholesome DIY sounds. Her project is supported by an incredible space of a stunning chapel turned into a studio.
Lyrically, ‘Weapon,’ tells a simple story of the dangers and risks of love. Seems like a tale old as a time but told from a perspective of a queer woman, it changes the meaning and recognizes the voices that haven’t been heard for way too long.
‘Weapon’ by Rona Mac is out there on streaming services.
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