Recognize The International Day of the Girl Child 

Celebrating them all.


Do you know what day it is? It is 11 of October, the International Day of the Girl Child. I know you thought that was supposed to be everyday but it sadly isn’t quite so.  

Today is aimed to celebrate girls in every corner of the planet as much as it is to raise awareness to their challenges and needs regarding education, health, legal and medical rights as well as issues of gender bias and inequality. The United Nations made it more than just an initiative in 2012 by marking it an official recognizable day by all.  

The role of females has been a vital one in the history of humankind—if you have a doubt about it then it is time to brush over those history books—however often ignored or undermined. But yet, girls they strive, they succeed and they rise above it all. Today marks an importance of grand proportion to show the youth their worth since the beginning of their life journey, to make them understand their strength and their value, and to make each and every little girl understand that she is capable and supported.  

The world has come a long way to celebrate girls, but the road is still long as global challenges persist with 12 million girls getting married under the age of 18 this year alone. This is only one example among several other issues needing our attention.   

To make change, let’s start by acknowledging the International Girls Day. Let’s make this everyday where girls get encouraged, represented, celebrated and given their full human rights. It’s girl’s day every day at FIZZY MAG, just a little louder today. 

Next up, Barbie Calls For A Close To The Dream Gap
