What’s Stopping You From Sleeping Well?

Discover why sleep eludes you and simple ways to fix it.


We’ve all been there - tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling, wondering why we can just drift off to sleep like everyone else seems to be able to. But for some, that’s not just a once-in-a-while problem - it’s every single night. And that’s very bad for your mental health, which is why it’s so important to get to the bottom of why it’s happening. With that in mind, here are some reasons why it could be a problem for you. 


If you’ve ever tried to sleep with a throbbing toothache,  you’ll know it’s practically impossible - tooth pain tends to get worse at night because when you lie down, more blood flows to your head which makes a pain in that area much more intense. If that’s the case for you, the best thing to do is visit a great dentist like Vermilion Dental Practice to get whatever the issue is fixed. 

Of course, it’s also wise to make sure - as far as possible - that the problem doesn’t return, so ask your dentist what you can do to prevent any more issues. And, while you’re waiting for your appointment, try using a cold compress and rinse your mouth with salt water - it can help in the short term. 


Stress is actually one of the biggest reasons why people struggle to get to sleep or stay asleep (which is just as bad), and no matter what’s causing it, from work worries to personal issues or just that you’ve got so much to do and not enough time to do it, you’ve got to get your stress under control if you’re going to sleep properly again. 

Although that’s obviously easier said than done, one thing that might help is to establish a calming bedtime routine that puts you in a relaxed state when it’s time to sleep. What’s great about this is that it can include anything that works for you, so you might like to read, listen to music, do some meditation or yoga, or anything else that helps. The only thing we’d say to avoid is anything that uses screens - the blue light from the screen can mean your brain gets confused and can’t tell your body that it’s time to sleep, meaning you stay awake for longer. 


Most of us love a good cup of coffee (or three!) to start the day off right, but when it comes to sleep, caffeine can be a nightmare, and if you’re sipping on coffee, energy drinks, or even certain types of tea later in the day, you shouldn’t be all that surprised if you’re still wide awake when you get into bed (and perhaps for many long hours afterwards too). 

The problem is that the effects of caffeine can last for as long as eight hours, so it’s a good idea to stop drinking it by early afternoon at the latest, and if you do like a warm drink in the evening, opt for a caffeine-free one like herbal tea or even warm milk, which can actually help you sleep; this really could be all it takes to get a good night’s sleep, so it’s definitely worth a try. 
