My Mom Went To Ibiza And All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt

Do moms have more fun?


If your mother has ever been away on a “girls’ vacation,” scurrying to try on all of her freshly bought ensembles, digging around the back of the closet for her Birkenstocks, then you know that a vacation can be critical in how your mom treats herself and her life when she returns. Of course, this feeling doesn’t just apply to mothers: vacations provide an escape from mundane activities, the time away can rejuvenate functional living and pleasure. Does playing the selfless role of ‘Mom’ at home make the vacation more wild and rambunctious when it’s time to let loose?

We spoke to three mothers who have recently returned from a trip to Ibiza about their styling choices and experiences of being a mom on a party vacay — safe to say they’ve been there, done that and got the T-shirt.


How do you feel your holiday style has changed over the years? 

“I feel mine has got better as I’ve grown older. Feeling more comfortable in my own skin and learning what suits me has helped … and not wearing a belt for a skirt. I’ve gained confidence in my dress style, lost confidence in my body.”

What was your favorite outfit that you wore in Ibiza? 

“I wore a black swimsuit with a black lace coverup to Ocean Beach … I felt like a million dollars.”

Do mums have more fun?

“Mums have fun. It probably depends on your friendship group though, I’m just lucky.”


How has your holiday style changed since you were younger?

“My holiday style has changed massively. When I was younger, I’d wear tiny shorts, skimpy tops and bikinis. Now I know that would definitely not be a good look for me as I’m over 30 years older and over three stone heavier” she laughed.

Would you say you’ve gained or lost confidence? 

“I’m nowhere near as confident about my body but my confidence in other areas of my life is probably higher.”

Do you think there is an age limit on “girls’ holidays?” 

“Definitely not!! I’m expecting us still to all be partying in our 90s!”

Do you feel comfortable in swimwear? 

“Since I’ve gained weight, I feel a little more self-conscious. However, I’ve found that vodka seems to cure that quickly and then I couldn’t care less.”

Do mums have more fun? 

“I don’t have more fun, but I have as much fun.”


What are your thoughts on girl's holidays? 

"They're a valuable opportunity to reconnect with friends and have time for uninterrupted conversation. While I love my role as a mum and love my children dearly, it's crucial never to lose sight of my own identity and the friendships that contribute to it."

Do you find yourself living vicariously through your children? 

"No, absolutely not. In fact, I often feel like I have more fun than they do, except for my gay son who can party endlessly. We are all only here once and we need to enjoy it!"


As women, we shouldn’t have to substitute fun for motherhood. Having children is known to change your perspective on life, but it doesn’t mean you should lose the ability to party … as Carol so graciously mentions: “I haven’t stopped partying since I was around 15 and intend to continue forever.”

We'll drink to that.
