Movies That Feel Like Summer

What to watch when your in that slow summer mood.


Sometimes the summer is so hot you can't bring yourself to do much more than crash on the couch. That shouldn't stop the summer feeling though, these movies keep the summer vibes going when you're too hot to anything.

Dirty Dancing (1987)

Who doesn't love this movie, Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze shot to fame with this for reasons everyone understands. The ultimate chick flick.


The Parent Trap (1998)

This movie is an all-time classic for a reason. It encapsulates all the best parts of childhood summers and makes you want to relive summer camp.


The Way Way Back (2013)

An underrated coming-of-age film. We follow a young boy discover what lifes all about, love, family, and believing in himself.



Barbie (2023)

We all loved Barbie, so it's a must on this list. Barbie summer brought girls and women together like nothing else so we think we should do it again. 


The Florida Project (2017)

A little step back from the fun movies on this list, The Florida Project explores the sadness of growing up in poverty and the beauty of childhood and humanity. 



Mamma Mia! (2008)

Summer should be like Mamma Mia. We should all be having the best time, singing, dancing, and eating Greek food. Embrace your inner Meryl Streep and have fun.


Dazed And Confused (1993)

An easy watch on a hot summer night. This film is a classic start of summer, teen ensemble movie, with a few big stars thrown in.



Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

This movie is for the whimsical summergoers. Another film that embraces nostalgia and makes you dream of summers as a child.
