March 13th Was A Painful Day For Women
The police only act with violence.
What a photo #ReclaimTheseStreets #ClaphamCommon #SarahEverard pic.twitter.com/ETOoDIYghs
— Sophie Malby (@sophie_mzy) March 13, 2021
Words do not explain the pain women are feeling right now. I am sure you have seen the news, but if not, let’s recap. It’s been one year since Breonna Taylor was murdered in her home by intruding police officers in the US. Exactly a year on, a UK police officer has been charged with the kidnap and murder of Sarah Everard.
On this sad day for women across the whole world, a vigil was planned to be held in Clapham Common, an area Sarah was last thought to be. Yet it was cancelled by the police. Which in itself is particularly ignorant, seeing as one of their own has just been tried for the murder, which has caused the vigil to take place. Nonetheless, the event went ahead, with thousands of people safely mourning the loss of a woman who took every precaution possible.
That was until the Met police showed up with a violent agenda, pushing all attendees together causing a break of social distancing. Many videos show male officers physically fighting, grabbing, manhandling and arresting women for simply being present. Chants were heard throughout the event saying, “arrest your own” and “shame on you”, as well as many signs with powerful messages.
As if you haven’t done enough already @metpoliceuk - stop disrespecting Sarah’s memory and back the fuck down with your violent and unnecessary responses. #ShameOnYou https://t.co/v3YqTf28dd
— The Brighton Girl (@BtonGirlProbs) March 13, 2021
This is not good enough; ALL women deserve better. It'll be interesting to see how the police respond regarding their actions at this event and in general. Our thoughts are with all women and those affected. Please help Blessing Olusegun's family and friends, who need answers after she was found on a beach in Sussex with no explanation or investigation of her death.
Next up, We're All Sarah Everard