Learning in Parallel: This Is How You Successfully Prepare for Several Exams at the Same Time
Adjustments to your learning strategy.
A conventional exam preparation (for one exam) differs significantly from a preparation phase in which you have to study for several exams at the same time. The most serious difference is that you cannot focus exclusively on one topic but have to split your concentration.
This circumstance prevents the bundling of your mental performance, which leads to a higher energy requirement when learning and to a greater overall expenditure of time. The problem with this is that many students only recognize these additional resources (especially the time aspect) when it is almost too late, and the exam dates are dangerously close.
Truths like "You have to start earlier." or "Then you'll just do two or three more hours a day." Doesn't help here - apart from the fact that such advice is superfluous crap anyway. What is most likely to help you in this situation are adjustments to your learning strategy and pragmatic tips that you can implement immediately.
Tips on How to Successfully Prepare for Several Exams at the Same Time
During my studies, I often had to study for several exams at the same time and therefore know from my own experience (and that of my fellow students) which strategies can work - and which don't. In addition, through my work as a course advisor and student coach, I am in regular contact with candidates from a wide variety of courses.
Based on these empirical values, I have put together ten tips for you that will help you to successfully prepare for several exams at the same time.
Let's start.
Tip #1: Get an Overview!
Before you start your parallel exam preparation, you must get a solid overview of the relevant learning material. This approach is important in any kind of strategic consideration, but especially so in your current situation.
Due to a large number of different contents, connections are often not clear at first glance. There is also a risk that you overlook important topics or overestimate small things. Therefore, collect all the materials you can get your hands on for your exams and modules and create a list of the most important content.
In addition to collecting all relevant study materials, it can be helpful to seek out informative guides that offer a structured study plan. One such guide is the informative guide by Career Employer on Series 7 study plan, which outlines the important topics and concepts that you need to understand for success on the Series 7 exam. By using a guide like this, you can ensure that you are focusing your time and energy on the most critical topics, giving yourself the best chance of success on the exam. Remember, a solid overview of the material is the first step in any successful exam preparation strategy.
Tip #2: Limit the Topics!
Especially if you have little time to study, you have to limit the learning material in a meaningful way. This means: You select topics that you will deal with intensively and at the same time delete other content from your learning list that you consider less relevant to the exam.
If you're hesitant about crossing out, realize that you'll never have enough time to "completely" learn a subject—even if you only had to prepare for a single exam per semester. There will always be aspects that you cannot consider for reasons of time. You have to make a pre-selection, preferably as early as possible.
Tip #3: Check your Calendar!
Most students keep track of their exam dates relatively well. They know when which exam takes place and mark these dates clearly in their calendar. On the other hand, what they disregard with alarming regularity are their upcoming obligations around the exam dates.
Therefore, check your calendar well in advance and make sure that there are no scheduling conflicts in your exam week or during the preparation time. If you have three doctor's appointments during your exam preparation and have to work a double shift in your part-time job, you're making life difficult for yourself.
Tip #4: Plan Optimistically but Stay Realistic!
Individual planning is essential for parallel learning. INDISPENSABLE. If you think that without a plan, you can study for three exams at the same time and still earn money, go to sports and see your partner regularly, please. I'll see you in a couple of weeks when I give you my order at McDrive. Without realistic planning, you will fail. Yeah, sometimes employing the help of an essay writing service is the right option, and you have to understand that as a student.
BEFORE you prepare for the exam, you have to think about what you want to achieve and set concrete goals. In the next step, you then assign appropriate measures to your goals and knit an individual action plan from them. This should also be optimistic - but stay realistic in your considerations - otherwise, you put yourself under too much pressure and make yourself unhappy.
Tip #5: Define Topic Blocks
Each of your lectures consists of teaching modules. And these modules are in turn made up of individual subject blocks. These blocks provide the structure of your lecture and form the outline that your lecturer has come up with. At first glance, these themes are not always directly recognizable - the material seems too dynamic for that or the individual blocks are not clearly distinguishable from each other.
That's why you have to become active yourself and define thematic blocks for each lecture. Combine content into main and subcategories and use it to divide your exam material into individual packages. In this way, you can plan more easily, learn more purposefully and keep track of things.
Concentration, Concentration, Concentration
Of course, parallel learning is quite hard. However, with our tips and your dedication, you’ll be definitely able to easily grasp this amazing skill.