You're Probably Damaging Your Hair Without Knowing

Here's What To Stop Doing.


Did you know some parts of our everyday hair routine can actually be damaging our hair? From the way we style our hair to the way we wash it; all these things can have an impact! Fortunately for you, we’ve come up with a list of things to avoid doing to stop damaging your hair!

1.    Putting it in a tight bun/ponytail

When you’re having a busy day or just want your hair out of your way, you may quickly put it back into a bun or ponytail. But this can actually damage your hair as this can cause breakage, especially if you’re tying your hair back every day! From where the elastic band is tied, those strands of hair are prone to breakage, and the tight pull from the root is also damaging. Instead, it is best to go for a loose ponytail and use a soft elastic band (such as a scrunchie). 

2.    Applying shampoo to the bottom half of your hair

Like most people, you probably apply shampoo from the root of your hair all the way to the ends of the hair. However, this could be damaging as shampoo is meant to be focused on the scalp and roots of the hair. When our hair gets greasy, it is due to excess oil on the scalp, not throughout the hair. Therefore, shampoo should be focused on the roots, and conditioner at the bottom! 

3.    Using a cotton towel to dry your hair

Using a cotton towel to dry your hair can be extremely damaging to the hair. Due to its texture, it can cause split ends, breakage and weakens the hair. You may also notice that your hair becomes frizzy when you towel dry it – this is because of the friction caused by the towel! Instead, it is best to use a microfiber towel and squeeze the hair dry.

Next up, Rihanna Releases New Fenty Beauty Icon Lipsticks 
