How Musical Preferences Affect Success at Work

Today, every person will have their favorite genres, style, or type of music. Thought, what does it tell us about us, and how we can use it to our advantage. 


There is no single answer to why we love the music that we love. Frankly, no one has still found a concrete answer to this question. So many factors contribute to how we develop our musical preferences. Our families, inheritance, peers, trends, as well as our personalities and activities associated with music can affect and create our musical preferences. Not to mention that each person also responds differently to rhythm, lyrics, and harmony in music. 

What is even more interesting here is that different music styles can have different effects on our brain. It means that certain music can do a better job at keeping us focused. Another genre can inspire us, while another will do a better job motivating us. It is also proven that a person's musical preferences can do a great job at depicting one’s character and certain personality traits. 

What’s more, if you know the power of music and its genres, you can use it to your advantage. Let’s have a closer look at what each music genre can tell us about a person and how we can use this information for succeeding at work. 

Musical preferences and personalities

In general, we can divide the entire human population into two groups. Some people are better at empathy, and others stronger at systemizing thinking. In no way is one group better, smarter, or more well-adjusted than the others. These categories mean only the way a person processes the world around them. 


It turns out that preferences in genres don’t matter that much when we talk about one’s personality traits. For example, people who love jazz will share rather similar descriptions to those who listen to classical music or even blues. These are creative, emotional, open people who are most likely to be extroverted. However, when you draw a portrait of people who listen to jazz, blues, and classical music, you don’t expect those people to be alike. Hence, it is better to focus on certain qualities in music than on the genres. 


People with stronger empathy are better at expressing emotions. It is not so hard for them to notice and read their emotions as well as the people around them. This group is much better with people. 

Empathizers have specific preferences in music. They like slow music with sad lyrics. For them, emotional depth, beauty, and poetry are the most appealing elements in music. 

Systemizing thinkers

People with stronger systemizing thinking tend to perceive the world through rules and facts rather than emotions. They tend to analyze everything around them to understand it better. They love to break down patterns and ideas. Getting to the core of things by cognitive processes is in their nature. 

When facing creative tasks, like writing, for example, these are the people who are more likely to read a speedypaper review and order a paper than doing it themselves. Creativity may not be their strong suit. Though, they do good with analytical and critical thinking. 

A path to success

The best way to succeed at work is to pick the right specialty. Of course, it is not an easy task to do. Though, knowing yourself, your strengths, and weaknesses can help. Here’s where your musical preferences can also help. You need to know what you are good at to put all your energy into that area, instead of pursuing things that are not your cup of tea, to begin with. In other words, by knowing yourself well, you get to apply your talents to the right pursuit. 

For instance, people who know that writing is not one of their talents know where to find the best essay writing service reviews to get some help. At the same time, while they delegate work they are not good at, they get the time to enhance their other skills. Hence, such is more likely to succeed at what they are good at since they don’t become too dispersed with unrelated activities. Form a clear idea of who you are and what your abilities are before you pick a career or specialty for life. 

The bottom line

As you can see, musical preferences can tell a lot about a person. However, this data also shows how flexible our preferences and some personality traits can be. Throughout our lives, we tend to explore our preferences. We are trying and leaving many genres behind us. Still, for most of us, the musical journey is a never-ending adventure. 

We learn to learn more about ourselves and what we are capable of, and music can play a big role in that process. Understanding your abilities and goals in life can help you to achieve great results at what you are doing. 
