Female Leader: Stereotypes That Have Been Debunked
The stereotypes about female leaders are disappearing.
It is a well-known fact that there were so many problems connected to gender stereotypes and women's rights not so long ago. Even today, we can notice that not all of them disappeared. Some countries still preserve such customs and traditions where women's opinions and roles aren't considered. Thus, gender discrimination is still an issue today.
However, gender stereotypes shouldn't be a point in choosing a person as a leader. Whatever field it might concern, politics, economics, or a minor company where the person who would take control of the situation is needed. The abilities and skills that are required to be a leader don't necessarily depend on gender. Although there are some companies and businesses around the world where women are not allowed to take a leadership role, we can notice a big change that influences the leadership positions in many organizations. Women start holding such positions that require the skills of a leader. Women can cope with the same obligations as men. Moreover, they cope with this role and manage their responsibilities perfectly.
Typical Stereotypes Why Women Can't Be Leaders
There have been many stereotypes that concluded that a woman would never cope with the role of a leader. However, at school and universities, we all studied historical facts of women who successfully ruled and became queen regnant. If you are a student now and have your assignment on the topic of female leader or else, you can turn to Collegeessaywriter for help in case you don't have time to manage your studying. Lack or abundance of information is not a problem today. The professionals, women, in particular, will provide all appropriate assistance for you to achieve good grades. Still can't find information on the first female prime minister of Poland or Turkey? Or, if you don't know what to write in your essay concerning first female presidents, then visit the term paper writing service to work on the topic. Learn more about female leaders and become the one who will eventually crush all stereotypes about them. Let's see the most common ones and how women make great leaders nowadays.
Women are too emotional
It's true that women can get more emotional and empathetic. At times, it can affect the atmosphere during the meeting or congress. However, this characteristic can benefit in cases when the situation gets tense and pressing. Women tend to be more patient and understanding when it comes to hot discussions and disagreements. Most women give relationships the top priority, thus showing the value of the person and their collaboration.
Women are also better listeners. Men are more inclined to react, while women would take time to think things over, to discuss them with somebody, and then take action. Women like to listen to another point of view. That's why discussions are quite relevant for them. It's a good trait when people are given a chance to be heard. Sometimes, men don't realize that it can be an advantage for a leader.
Women can only be good housekeepers
From ancient times women were considered to belong to their homes and raise kids. This role stays relevant in some countries even today. It was hard to imagine a woman doing a man's job. However, today we can see more and more specific jobs which women do. Every society dictates the norms and suitable work for each gender. But we can see how easily a woman can do construction or military work, for example. A man, in return, can manage caregiving. There are a lot of male nurses and teachers. So, we can observe such a tendency when the roles get mingled, and a woman has an opportunity to choose any job she likes.
Women always need a man to turn to
Is it a woman's nature that doesn't want to be completely independent? Women need men as men need women. However, we know some cases in history when a woman coped with her life easily without men's help and felt totally independent. Thus, Queen Victoria managed to rule the United Kingdom, gave orders to men leading them and controlling their actions. Not an easy job, you must say. Yes, she was the head of the biggest Empire and dealt with her responsibilities very well.
Women often multitask
It wouldn't be too relevant if it wasn't mentioned that multitasking could ruin productivity or make it less efficient. How could it be? When you pay attention to many different things at the same time, your concentration decreases. That simply affects the tasks you are conducting. However, we are all different, and for some, it may be a great problem. However, women tend to multitask more effectively than men. Besides, they can also focus on creating a more family-like atmosphere so that everybody would feel more relaxed and team-oriented. It helps to build friendly relationships and make people trust each other. Multitasking helps women concentrate not only on one thing or person but find a way to unite them and cooperate.