Energy Drinks And Their Impact On Your Health

Composition, Effects, and Alternatives.


The vast majority of people probably know what an energy drink is. Few people have ever not tasted or heard of it. Energy drinks are very popular in this fast-paced world: middle-aged people drink them in the rush to get to work, students drink them when they are in an exam session, and teenagers drink them when they want something delicious. The drink, which promises nothing bad, helps people to forget fatigue and pursue sporting achievements. But is it really a harmless drink? Or are there consequences? And what is its composition?

Energy drink composition

Caffeine – extracted from guarana paullinia. Caffeine gives energy, stimulates the central nervous system, alertness, endurance, but shortens reaction time, makes breathing faster and deeper, dilates the heart vessels and constricts the brain.

Taurine – an amino acid that accumulates in the muscles, helps detoxify the body, improves metabolism and increases oxygen flow to the brain.

Carnitine – a natural component of human cells. It improves the absorption of creatine, promotes the oxidation of fatty acids, increases muscle strength, and helps the heart, kidneys and liver to function.

Guarana – a tonic medicinal plant. Its leaves help to remove lactic acid from muscle tissue, cleanse the liver and protect against atherosclerosis. This medicinal plant has an effect 2.5 times stronger than the caffeine in coffee and tea.

Ginseng – a medicinal herb that increases arterial blood pressure and can cause dizziness.

B vitamins – essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Yerba mate – helps you forget hunger and helps you lose weight.

Malatonin – slows down metabolism and inhibits thyroid function.

The benefits of energy drinks:

  • Stimulates mental activity.
  • Stimulates physical activity.
  • Energy drinks are almost all carbonated, which speeds up their effects – unlike coffee.
  • The effect lasts 3-4 hours.
  • Reduces fatigue.

Energy drink negatives

  • Addiction can develop.
  • Increases arterial blood pressure and has negative effects on the cardiovascular system.
  • Caffeine depletes the nervous system after a while. After 3 to 5 hours, the body needs rest.
  • Contains high levels of B vitamins, which cause increased heart rate and trembling.
  • May cause aggression or violent outbursts.
  • Depletes the body's resources. Energy drink does not provide energy but helps to draw it from the body.
  • No more than 2 cans per day. Drinking more than this can lead to a rise in arterial blood pressure or blood glucose levels.

Consequences of drinking energy drinks

An analysis of the composition, pros and cons of energy drinks shows that they are a short-term aid that will have some serious consequences in the long-term. So, what are the consequences of consuming them without moderation?

  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Longer use can lead to heart attack.
  • Can lead to diabetes, arrhythmia, angina or even sudden death.
  • Overdose may cause tremors, incoordination, hallucinations, seizures.
  • Causes insomnia and fatigue when the effects wear off
  • Energy drinks combined with alcohol can lead to hypertensive crisis as caffeine raises blood pressure and the effects of caffeine are amplified several folds when combined with alcohol.

Energy drink alternatives

When seeking alternatives to energy drinks, especially for athletes and sports enthusiasts, it's essential to explore options that not only provide a boost but also support muscle recovery. Ligandrol, a sports supplement, can be an excellent alternative in this regard. 

Known for its potential to enhance muscle growth and aid in faster recovery, ligandrol offers athletes a way to optimize their performance without resorting to traditional energy drinks. By targeting muscle tissue and promoting efficient recovery, ligandrol presents a promising alternative for those seeking a healthier and more effective option to support their athletic endeavors.
