Charli And Dixie D'Amelio Launch New Fashion Brand
Social Tourist hopes to appeal to the digital generation.
Charli and Dixie D'Amelio have teamed up with classic teen brand Hollister to launch their own Athleisure collection, Social Tourist.
Inspired by the sisters own experiences on social media (between them, the girls have almost two hundred million followers on the platform that made them famous, Tik Tok), Social Tourist hopes to reflect the unqiuely Gen Z experience of growing up with Social Media.
'We feel like Social Tourist really represents both of us and explores how our generation is balancing who they are on social media with real life,' older sister Dixie said of the launch.
Social Tourist will have four distinct apparel lines, including some gender-neutral and inclusive items. The sisters were involved in product selection, design, branding and more, working alongside their father Marc, who, with thirty years of experience in apparel, is no stranger to the world of fashion.
You can get your hands on Social Tourist at socialtourist.com or by heading down to your nearest Hollister store.
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