How To Build Better Health Habits In Just 30 Days

Cultivate lasting change.


Building better habits is the foundation of good health. The people who get it right are often those who go on to live healthy and productive lives. 

But how do you build those better routines in a short space of time? You’re about to find out. This post explores some of the techniques and methods you can use to improve your regimen in just 30 days. Here’s what you need to know about Nicotine Prescriptions.

Address Underlying Issues

Bad habits are sometimes random, but most of them emerge from some sort of underlying issue. Problems with the way we view ourselves or issues with self-esteem can drive changes in behavior that aren’t productive. 

You’ll want to take a look at these and ask whether they are driving your daily decision-making. If they are, then some sessions with a talk therapist could help you undo their effect on your life. 

Track Your Progress

You’ll also want to try tracking your progress if you’re trying to change your habits in a short space of time. Getting a monitor or habit-tracking app can be an excellent way to keep tabs on your progress and motivate you to continue putting in the effort to switch your routine to something better. 

The old-fashioned approach is to record metrics in a journal with a pencil. However, these days, there are all sorts of apps you can use, too. 

Find Enjoyable Activities

Another pro tip for building better health habits in under 30 days is to find activities you genuinely enjoy and leverage them to encourage you to improve your routines. Avoid doing what many people on health kicks do and choose the most ascetic routines like running for 10 miles at 6 am. Instead, do things that you can really enjoy and get into. 

For instance, you could switch from spending your lunchtime in the cafeteria to going for a cycle ride through the park. Or you could stop smoking and explore the best vape flavours instead. 

Remember, healthy activities don’t need to be perfect to make a difference. They just need to be better than what you’re doing right now. 

Set Realistic Goals

Thirty days isn’t a long time, so you’ll want to set realistic goals. You don’t have to overhaul your entire life in that time. Instead, you just need to change one or two things that are going to improve your outlook and the way you feel. 

Don’t Treat It As A Temporary Fix

You’ll also want to avoid treating any changes you make as a temporary fix. Psychologically, they should feel like a new lifestyle instead of something you will endure for a week or two. 

Switching and making progress like this is always challenging because you have to let go of the old way of living. That’s why it is critical to erase that option from your mind. You want to approach a new habit as if it is your life and identity now. It shouldn’t feel like an emergency measure or something you are trying out. 
