Axel Arigato: From Berlin With Love
Celebrating Berlin's diversity and creativity.
Swedish fashion brand Axel Arigato pays homage to the unmatched energy of the German capital with their latest campaign, "From Berlin With Love." Berlin, known for its vibrant cultural scene and constant source of inspiration, serves as the backdrop for this eclectic celebration.
The campaign shines a spotlight on the unique individuals who call Berlin's diverse neighborhoods home. These individuals are the daily inspirations and the heartbeat of the city, and together they shape Berlin into what it is today.
Through intimate and personal portraits, the campaign captures the lives of people living in these vibrant global metropolises. It invites viewers to become part of the cherished communities that Axel Arigato deeply values.
From local classical composers, flower and fashion designers to family-owned restaurants with global cuisines, Berlin embraces diversity in all its forms. The city fosters a sense of community, welcomes newcomers, and appreciates those who have called this multicultural city home for years.
The campaign features a range of individuals, including Tsellot and her family, founders of "Nourame," a homemade vegan Ethiopian catering company; Thomas, a violinist, composer, and producer; Tara, a local artist; Thu Thuy Pham, co-owner of Dashi Diner; Mihaela, founder of Studio Linné, a floral experience and set design studio; and Stephen, a designer.
"From Berlin With Love" captures the essence of Berlin's vibrant spirit and showcases the brand's dedication to celebrating local communities around the world. It serves as a reminder of the power of diversity and individuality in shaping our global society.