You Need To Iron Out These Mistakes From Your Dating Game

Common dating blunders that people make.


There is no denying that dating is a daunting experience. However, it can be a lot of fun, whether or not you meet Mr Right. After all, you get to go for nice dinners and talk with new people. Embrace it! However, you do need to be mindful of the common dating blunders that people make so that you can avoid making them. So, let’s take a look…

We wait for someone to come to us - We believe that the person of our dreams is going to land in front of our faces one day. Unfortunately, this only tends to happen in the movies. You can’t win the lottery if you have not bought a ticket, right? The same goes for dating. You cannot be completely passive. Why not ask your friends to set you up on a blind date? There are many different ways you can go about getting involved in the dating game. 

We rule people out based on one thing - Another thing a lot of people are guilty of when it comes to dating is ruling people out simply because of one basic thing. It could be that you do not like the person’s hair or you’re not a fan of the shoes they are wearing. It could be that the person has made a certain comment that has you thinking all kinds of things, ultimately coming to the conclusion that he or she is not right for you. However, no one is perfect. There are always going to be things that we do not like about people. And guess what, there are going to be things that people do not like about us either! Nevertheless, you will make it impossible for yourself to find the one if you are ruling people out based on one thing.

We turn our nose up at trying different dating experiences - There is so much fun to be had when dating. A lot of people dislike being single and they feel pressure to find the perfect partner. But rather than being stressed, why not embrace it and have fun instead? Going on dates can be incredibly exciting. Have you ever tried speed dating before? If not, we definitely recommend that you give it a try! You will have heaps of fun getting to know different people. Plus, if you don’t really like someone, you won’t have to spend more than a few minutes with them, so it is a win-win situation really.

We assume that we need to come across as perfect - This is not a job interview. You aren’t expected to give textbook answers that will make you come across as the perfect life partner. If you do this, you are not being authentic, and this is not attractive. Plus, if your date falls in love with a version of you that is forced, you are going to have to keep up this facade for the rest of your days! It is better to be yourself. Being in love is about finding two people that are right for each other. It’s not about fitting into some mold! 

We overthink things - A lot of people have a habit of overthinking things when it comes to dating. We add two and two together, and we end up with 2,000! You should never try to assume what someone else is thinking. They have their own mind, so base your feelings on what they say and how they act, rather than trying to second guess them all of the time

We go into a date expecting it to turn into a relationship - Last but not least, this is a mistake that a lot of women are guilty of. We go on a date and we expect that this date is going to be the one. We are hoping the date is going to be a life partner straight off the bat. However, you aren’t going to fall in love with every person you meet. It’s not meant to be that easy. Instead of thinking about marrying someone, think about whether or not you want to see them again and take it from there. 

Final words on “You Need To Iron Out These Mistakes From Your Dating Game”

As you can see, there are a number of common dating mistakes that people make today. If you can avoid the blunders that have been mentioned above, you can give yourself a great chance of achieving dating success. Good luck! 

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