5 Reasons Disposable Vapes Are So Hot Right Now

Discover the reasons behind vaping's surge in popularity.


If vaping never used to be on your radar, then it almost certainly will be now. Over the past few years, it’s gone from a relatively obscure hobby to something pretty much everyone has tried at least once or twice. Why has it achieved this broad level of popularity? Let’s take a minute to find out.

1. Availability

One of the main reasons behind the current popularity of vapes is how widely available they are. Even the smallest of retailers can stock up using suppliers such as Wholesale Disposable Vapes, meaning that you’re never more than a few hundred meters away from your nearest location in most towns and cities. Additionally, products like the 1200 vape, which can be easily purchased online, further enhance accessibility and convenience. 
This heightened level of convenience means that they’re no longer a niche product that can only be bought in a few specialist locations!

2. Ease of use

While the first vapes to hit the market practically required a degree in engineering to get started, this is no longer the case at all. Disposable vapes tend to come ready to go - just take off a sticker or two, and they’re good to use. This means that a lot more people have been willing to give them a chance, without having to learn what coils to use or how to adjust the settings so it doesn’t hurt their throats. 

3. Affordability

It doesn’t matter how fun and convincing a new trend is - if people can’t afford it, it’s never going to truly catch on. In the context of the current cost of living crisis, it definitely makes sense why people, especially ex-smokers, are turning to disposable vapes. Most stores stock options that cost less than a fiver, making it a highly affordable hobby to pick up, or at least a very inexpensive treat for those looking to spice up their evening. 

4. Range of flavors

Vaping is hardly something that you can get bored of either, at least not in terms of flavors. You can find disposable vapes in pretty much any flavor you can imagine, from strawberry ice cream to mint chocolate chip. This means that a lot of people keep on trying new vapes, where they would have gotten bored of the single flavor of cigarettes long ago. 

5. Health benefits

While vaping is likely not as healthy as not vaping at all, numerous studies have shown that vaping is substantially better for your health compared to smoking. As more and more people move towards healthier lifestyles, the number of people turning to disposable vapes as an easy and sustainable way to kick their smoking habit is only set to increase.

These are just a few of the main reasons behind why so many people are choosing to give vaping a try. It’s been around for long enough now, that we reckon it’s safe to say it’s no longer a brief trend that’s here today, gone tomorrow. While only time will tell, we’re excited to see where things will go, and how the industry will continue to innovate to keep things interesting. 
