The Psychology Behind Cheating
Broken Hearts Club, this is for you!
Scorned by an ex and wondered why? It's probably not the first thing you think about after a heartbreak, but the essential question may nag at you. According to UK statistics, infidelity is a common looming fear in relationships, with 1 in 5 people admitting to having an affair. Behind all human behaviors lies a psychological explanation, and affairs of the heart are no exception. Whether you have been cheated on, perhaps cheated yourself, or just simply wondered why people stray, here are the psychological reasons why people cheat.
It's the coward's way out
According to psychologists, cheating may be caused by a partner's inability to face relationship problems head-on. People often look to others for solace within turbulent relationships, whether it be pent-up frustration from trouble in paradise or conflict avoidance. Why this couldn't be solved by simple communication is beyond me.
Cheating as control
For some, cheating may be a last resort to gain control in their lives. A straying partner may feel trapped or hopeless from whatever circumstances plague them, causing them to step out. Feelings of powerlessness can lead to desperate attempts at control.
Opposites might not attract
Professor Kelly Campbell, Ph.D at California State University, said "the more dissimilar partners are—in terms of personality, education level, and other factors—the more likely they are to experience infidelity." in an interview with Brides. So while differences between partners may spark initial attraction, it could spell for trouble down the road.
While cheating occurs for many reasons, the most important thing to remember is it's never the dumpee's fault. Stay strong and stay safe, folks!