Why It’s So Important to Talk About What We’re Feeling 

Feelings and clairsentience amplify communication and emotional connection.


Our feelings breathe life into everyday situations. Without these sensory stimuli, our experiences are mundane. But our perception of reality can amplify everything. Our frame of reference is the lens through which we view the world.   Everybody talks about their feelings. From California to New York, Washington to Florida, and beyond, personal experience is more important than ever. That’s terrific news because the more we share, the more we learn. Barely a generation ago, people frowned upon discussing how they felt about this, that, and the other. Nowadays, we live in a customer-centric global economy where everyone's opinions mean something.

Social media has amplified the narrative, with microblogging platforms like X, TikTok, Telegram, and others ruling the roost. Back in the Jurassic era, before social media, it was generally frowned upon to discuss personal feelings. Now, people are more open about their experiences and emotions, as evidenced by lots of chatter on the web, in forums, blogs, social media platforms, dating sites, and more. These narratives influence public discourse and consumer behavior. It comes as no surprise that multiple realms of feelings-based communication have opened up in recent years. 

Feelings and Clairsentience 

One such avenue that is gaining tremendous traction is clairsentience. Known as the power of feeling, this ancient art is alive and well. Many of us process information through the lens of our emotions, a.k.a. sensory analysis. When something resonates with us emotionally, we accept it. This is especially true today when discussing how you feel is entirely acceptable. Our senses relay messages to us. We use all five senses to better understand the world, including everything we can and cannot fathom. Professional psychics operate in an entirely different spatial realm – they unlock barriers between the earthly dimension and the spiritual dimension. There are no keys for clairsentients; they use sensory perception to transcend the spiritual realm.

An individual well-versed in an ability to sense things, similar to intuition but far more powerful, is a boon to society. This psychic ability allows practitioners to get to the crux of the matter by peeling back the layers. Beneath the veneer – the facade – lies the truth. Clairsentients are deeply emotional beings with extraordinary perceptive abilities. They can relay copious amounts of information through an innate sense of knowing. The past, present, and future can easily coexist at a specific moment in time during a psychic reading, provided the practitioner can harness the feelings just right. It's at the nexus that the floodgates open and energy flows begin.

Feelings are an Elixir for Health and Wellness

The medical community recognizes the importance of discussing emotions, particularly in mental health and wellness. When we communicate how we feel, we relieve burdensome concerns and invite peace into our lives. It's like an enormous weight removed from our shoulders – that's the power of healing at work. But it's a two-way street between the receiver and the sender, with both parties benefiting from clear communication. Contrary to popular opinion, self-expression is a strength, not a vulnerability.

Technology has facilitated emotional sharing, with social media giants captivating our attention 24/7. Today, more people get their news from social media than bona fide news sites. We can connect with other like-minded individuals by expressing ourselves through our feelings. Never before in the history of mankind has individual opinion been as vital as it is today. This is true worldwide, even in repressive societies where self-expression is frowned upon. Collective emotional sentiment is rocket fuel for social justice campaigns. 

The Keyboard Warrior Generation Loves to Talk About How They Are Feeling

We are the keyboard warrior nation. Our opinions, shaped by our feelings, are other drivers of change. Gone are the days of keeping a stiff upper lip. Today, everyone in Western-style democracies can express themselves without fear or favor. The individual has become the talking point. That's why so many of us are turning to therapists, mental health counselors, tarot card readers, and the most apropos group of people who rely heavily on feelings for better communication: clairsentients. These empathetic individuals genuinely understand human behavior because they feel it in their core. Their unique gift to all of us is well-intentioned and heartfelt.
