Why a Robust VR Casino is Likely Inevitable
The virtual reality space experiencing something of a boom in popularity.
Over the course of the last 18 months there has been a huge rise in demand for gaming, with the virtual reality space experiencing something of a boom in popularity. Research from IDC states that sales in VR technology such as the Oculus Quest 2 and HTV Vive Focus rose more than 50% in early 2021 and the demand is showing no signs of slowing down.
There’s been a marked rise in online, social gaming with over one billion people now said to be experiencing largely home-based entertainment streaming. It is likely a rise that is linked to the imposed limit of physical, social interaction due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But while many yearn for that return to the tactile, social interaction and there is evidence that in some area’s things are slowly returning, there is also a distinct reluctance from some to thrust themselves back into crowded areas. A recent report by NBC found that whilst some do have anxieties around getting back into crowded situations, people have seen positives from their new routines which involve staying indoors.
So, considering the rise of the aforementioned home technology and the seeming trepidation around gathering with others there is a real opportunity for someone to grasp here. VR has been around for quite some time and is a continually evolving platform; it’s now easier than ever for people to experience the alternate reality that is available. Standalone offerings like the Quest 2 allow users with very little knowledge of technology to take up the opportunity. So, with those almost barriers to entry getting ever smaller it means that more people are jumping into these virtual ‘social situations’ with friends than ever before.
There are a host of live online games already available where you can get together with your friends and casino and table gaming are proving to be very popular in particular. Some may suggest that many of the options for gamers are primed to move across into the virtual reality space. There are many sites which have games available for you and friends to access, including Gala Casino’s live game selection which has even grown to feature game shows such as Deal or No Deal and Monopoly. Who would’ve ever thought that a game show would be anything other than something you watched on TV? That’s the measure of how the technology is advancing. It’s clearly an indication that the immersion offered is a crucial part of the experience that people want. If you put this alongside the social, meeting places that the sites provide it’s not difficult to quickly get a grasp and understanding of why these indoor social spaces have become so popular.
Of course, a trip out to see friends at the casino can also mean keeping up with the latest fashion trends and whilst that may well be one thing that many people do find fun. It can also be surprisingly difficult to decide what to wear if you’re thinking about heading out to the casino. After all there are some fancy casinos and some which are more casual, it’s easy to feel out of place if you get your outfit wrong. But the advantage with a virtual casino is that this won’t be a problem for anyone. Because at the end of the day you’re in the comfort of your own home and no one can comment on your choice of attire.
With the advances in virtual reality it’s a distinct possibility that those crowded social spaces could soon become a thing of the past for some. Whilst it’s not what everyone wants, but if you align the increasing uptake of VR with the popularity and convenience of online gaming, surely it points to the two technologies colliding, doesn’t it?