UK Unmarried Partner Visa Requirements 2024: What Changed for Partners?

New 2024 Rules for UK Unmarried Partner Visa Explained.


Foreign nationals with a British or settled partner in the UK must obtain an Unmarried Partner visa to join them. Recently, the UK government made some changes to the immigration rules, increasing the minimum income requirement to curb net migration in the country which was at an all-time high.

The Unmarried Partner visa requirements were also adjusted due to the introduction of these new rules. For this reason, individuals looking to join their partners in the UK must comply with the new immigration rules. In this article, we intend to examine the new Unmarried Partner visa rules 2024, and what has changed for partners.

What Is an Unmarried Partner Visa?

The Unmarried Partner visa, otherwise known as a UK de facto visa is designed for unmarried foreign nationals who want to enter the UK and join a partner who is a British citizen or a person with settled status in the country. These foreign nationals must meet several eligibility requirements to be issued the visa and the exact requirements they must meet depend on their circumstances.

The Unmarried Partner visa is for both same and opposite-sex relationships. This visa allows its holder to enter the UK and stay for up to 33 months, after which it can be extended to an additional 30 months provided they meet the requirements. After living in the United Kingdom on an Unmarried Partner visa for up to 5 years, its holder can now apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) to stay in the UK permanently without immigration restrictions.

What Has Changed in the Unmarried Partner Visa 2024?

The UK government introduced new immigration rules on December 4, 2024, to reduce the influx of immigrants into the United Kingdom. The new rule that impacted the Unmarried Partner visa took effect on January 31, 2024. Under the appendix FM Partner visa UK, to be eligible as a partner of a UK-based individual, you must be a spouse, civil partner or an unmarried partner. Note that, other gateways such as a proposed civil partner or fiancé(e) exist just that they are short-term and can allow their holder to switch to a Civil Partner or Spouse visa inside the UK. 

Living Together for 2 Years

Before the implementation of the new immigration rules, unmarried partners were required to have lived together for up to 2 years and be in a relationship similar to a civil partnership or marriage to obtain an Unmarried Partner visa.

This means that partners who have been in a relationship similar to a civil partnership or marriage for 2 years won't qualify for an Unmarried Partner visa unless they have been living together for at least 2 years. Another downside is that couples who have not been living together due to some economic, cultural, or other reasons are also affected.

Similarly, couples who have been living for up to 2 years (in a relationship similar to civil partnership or marriage) but were unable to provide evidence of such cohabitation will not qualify for the visa. The reason is that some countries are not technologically advanced to trace formal or official proof of address for those 2 years.

However, after the implementation of the new rules from January 31, 2024, the meaning changed, and no longer requires partners to have been living for at least 2 years before the visa application. For this reason, applicants must meet other eligibility requirements such as the new minimum income threshold for partner/spouse visas, and genuine and subsisting relationships, among other requirements.

Financial Requirement

Individuals seeking a UK Unmarried Partner visa must prove they can cater for their financial needs without relying on public funds. Before the introduction of the new immigration rules unmarried partners were required to meet the minimum income threshold of £18,600. However, after the new rules regarding the minimum income threshold on April 11, 2024, first-time applicants must prove that their UK-based sponsor (unmarried partner) has up to £29,000.

Alternatively, they can have combined funds with their sponsor that are up to the same amount if they're already in the UK and want to switch from another visa. With the new £29,000, applicants won't need an extra fund should their children join them on this visa. Note that the minimum income threshold may increase to £34,500 later in 2024 and to £38,700 in the early months of 2025. Additionally, to meet the minimum income threshold, applicants can present their non-salaried or salaried income, cash savings, non-employment income or a combination of the above in some circumstances.

Genuine and Subsisting Relationship Requirement 

To obtain a UK Unmarried Partner visa, applicants must prove to the Home Office that the relationship they have with a UK-based partner is genuine and subsisting. For the Home Office to decide if applicants' relationship is genuine and subsisting, they'll consider some factors including, if applicants and their partners:

  • Are in a long-term relationship.

  • Share financial responsibilities.

  • Have children who could be biological, adopted, or stepchildren and are responsible for them.

There are other factors the Home Office can consider to know if relationships are genuine and subsisting. However, if they believe the relationship is not genuine and subsisting, they may carry out a home visit or interview the applicants and their unmarried partner.

Final Thoughts

Applicants seeking to join their UK-based partner via the Unmarried Partner visa must meet several eligibility requirements. Note that after the new immigration rules 2024, applicants for the Unmarried Partner visa don't need to prove that they have been living with their partner for at least 2 years. This change makes it easier for unmarried partners to join a partner who lives in the UK.

Besides that, applicants must meet the new minimum income threshold of £29,000 to qualify for the visa. It's ideal to seek expert guidance from an immigration lawyer when applying for the Unmarried Partner visa. The reason is that immigration lawyers already know how to navigate the UK visa application process and will help to analyze the applicants’ situation and know all the requirements they must meet including all supporting documents they must provide to support their application.

Description: The Unmarried Partner visa requirements were adjusted due to the introduction of the new immigration rules by the UK government.
